Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Just the facts, ma'am

To The Eagle:

After parsing the free-floating professorial grammar in last week’s letter, I find myself accused (I think) of using facts, being Republican, and pontificating over Trump, to which I plead “close but no cigar.” Many of my previous letters have been in response to attacks on Trump who needs no defenders, having run rings around all his opponents and critics. Of course, I do think Mr. Trump’s a pretty smart fellow, since he agrees with me and has tackled a bunch of problems that I’ve been crusading about for 30 or 40 years, including a sane economic and foreign policy, and putting shackles on environmental and energy policies that are scientifically illiterate and economically unfeasible.

Which brings us to Greta Thunberg, who is the 16 year old Swedish girl who led the school strike movement advancing the ridiculous assertion that anthropogenic climate change will cause an apocalypse in a decade or so. Lately she’s been cruising around in a 60 foot racing yacht (carbon neutral?) to attend climate conferences where she stridently demands huge and immediate carbon emission reductions and criticizes our leaders for not doing enough, admonishing them to follow the advice of the scientists.

Inconveniently, the largest scientific consensus resides with the 31,000 scientists who have signed on to the petition project launched by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine proclaiming the global warming/climate change/carbon emission movement to be a hoax designed to raise taxation, destroy national sovereignty, and wreck economies. President Trump advised her (via tweet) to chill out, do some anger management, and go see a good movie with a friend, which sounds to me like benign fatherly advice.

Like gun control advocate David Hogg of Parkland school shooting fame, Greta has been recruited by malevolent progressives for youthful demagoguery to spout fractured science and statistics supporting spurious solutions to politicized problems. As Dragnet’s Sergeant Joe Friday used to say, “Just the facts, ma’am.”

Howard Brawn

Puget Island


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