To The Eagle:
There are two things I have a hard time understanding these days.
The first is if our current White House administration has nothing to hide, why not let the people being requested to testify in the impeachment hearings say what they know? Wouldn’t that prove overall innocence? Not allowing them to speak is like vehemently resisting showing previous year’s income tax returns. What’s so bad that needs to be hidden?
The second is these same people saying we have a great economy. How can the U.S. have a supposedly great economy when we’re running at almost all time low unemployment levels, yet also incurring over a trillion dollar (a thousand billion $) annual deficit--and growing--to keep them employed?
This is the equivalent of a household head saying “Our family is doing really well. We all have jobs and money to spend” while the family is totally broke, and getting deeper in debt daily.
For what it’s worth, the U.S. is the world’s greatest debtor nation. Our Debt to GDP ratio is over 100 percent, soon approaching almost what it was after WWII. For comparative purposes, look at Canada, our largest trading partner. Even though it’s often scorned as a “socialist country,” it’s Debt to GDP ratio is barely 40 percent.
Just something to think about .... (?)
Bill Wainwright
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