To The Eagle:
With interest I read Mr. Brawn’s (12/5/2019) comments reminding me and all that Venice was built on a marsh many centuries go.
He referenced historical “facts.” Wow, as I did not think the use of facts is a Republican standard. But the most shocking aspect of his letter was that he only mentioned Trump once. Rather off script for him as most of his wondering letters are mainly devoted to pontificating over his great leader.
I realize I will not change the minds of 40 percent of the population. It is not my purpose to offend or insult others, there are exceptions, if they fail to see and realize facts. But for us trying to use facts in making a decision, I come back to the environment.
While public opinion polls tell us we should be concerned about climate change, it is not a profit driving concern among Republicans; let further generations fix the damage and pay the bill.
Recently, Ms. Greta Thurnburg, 16-years old, has gained international attention regarding the environment and she does not have any of her own published facts. She comments on the observed natural wonders of the world. A few of these wonders are rising global temperatures, melting glaciers, rising ocean levels, and relocation of villages, towns and soon cities to higher ground; all observed facts.
The Trump response, with his party’s silent endorsement, is to chastise Ms. Thurnburg and continually neglect the environment. Lack of adult leadership and or Republican standards? My reminder to Mr. Brawn, “Facts,” “Alternate Facts” or just “Ignorance?” (I still want to debate Mr. Brawn on the topic of facts.)
Dennis T. Gordon
Puget Island
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