Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Coming Events--Community Center in Cathlamet

Perspective is an important aspect to life, and it can be the tool to smooth over uncomfortable lumps of misunderstanding. To some, the holidays are an exciting time filled with food, family functions and abundant joy. To others, it can be painful, lonely and even depressing. With this divide, in my humble observation, I think it’s imperative to have compassion and understand both sides of the coin. In short, if you know somebody who may be feeling pain, loneliness or despair -- perhaps you have room at your table. If you are alone and in pain and a kind soul offers for you to be included in their version of the holidays, I hope you accept. Connectivity, caring for one another, being grateful and sharing peace are the most valuable and powerful gifts you can share.

The Resource Fair is next Wednesday Nov. 20, 10-4 p.m., at the Hope Center. If you are a senior who could use some help figuring how to ride Wahkiakum On the Move or need to talk with a SHIBA representative, you should make a point to stop in and see how you can be helped. On that note, if you know a senior who may want to get out and see what’s available at the fair, but may not be inclined to do so alone, please be a buddy for a few hours. With the cold coming and human-hibernation beginning, consider your elders who may be alone or not as physically spry as they once were.

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connected.”

--Chief Seattle- Suquamish


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