Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Final weekend for exhibit at Redmen Hall

Skamokawa News

WET AND SOGGY--As we came to the end of the third week in October, we definitely got some wet weather, which not only started forming "lakes" where they didn't belong, but also caused a slide along SR 4, which are pretty much the "norm" for us during these rainy times, so I do hope you are mindful of that. If you've traveled that road for years and never had to take a short cut, or never missed an appointment or never had any issues at all, well, you are definitely blessed with good luck, as most of us have experienced one problem or another over the years. We should all be prepared, just in case!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Oct. 24-30 are Valley Ledtke, Maury Mooers, Don Wages, Tricia Farmen, Maddisen Clark, Tim Dickson, Calvin Grasseth, Nathan Norris, Tim Patching, Christie Lou Davis and Mike Wright.

Just heard there was a new addition to the birthday list as Asher Dean Nielson showed up on October 18. His folks, Ashley and Craig Michael Nielson, are super happy to add another son to their family. Congratulations!

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Greg and Lori Parke, Jason and Rochelle Wallin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorley, Mr. and Mrs. Ty Norris and Wayne and Karen Bell. Here's hoping all of your special days bring you good times and great memories.

We want to send some belated "Happy Anniversary" wishes to Dave and Rhonda Heiner, who celebrated 29 years together this past Saturday.

ADDING TO LIST--I am so pleased to announce that we will be adding another member to our family next year. Better yet, I'm really tickled to announce that this newest member is going to make me a Great Grandma, as grandson Austin Good broke the news this past weekend that he and Nicole are expecting next April! This means Felicitie Knight will soon be a Grandma and Brian Good will be a Grandpa and that seems a bit surreal, as I think of them as kids still and to me, well, it's like the grandkids were just born yesterday, but no, they are all grown up now and expecting kids of their own. Anyway, we certainly wish them a hearty congratulations and we can't wait until April to welcome in the newest member to our immediate family!

FRIDAY MOVIE--Friday, Oct. 25, the free movie at the Community Center in Cathlamet is an adult, R rated, comedy and drama show. Movies always begin at 7 p.m., and include free popcorn, and they also allow you to bring in your own snacks. No children under 12 are allowed there alone.

LAST CHANCE--If you haven't gotten to the Redmen Hall/Central School to see their latest exhibit, "Falling Leaves," then you'd better hurry, as you only have this week to do so. The exhibit runs for the last four days, Thursday through Sunday, Oct. 24-27. This was a mixed media event with all kinds of different artistic styles from various local artists, depicting this wonderful fall season, so head that way and check out this exhibit in the River Life Interpretive Center on the second floor of the historic Redmen Hall. As a bonus, you also get to enjoy the magnificent view.

VENDORS NEEDED!--Just a little reminder to all of you who have crafts and wares to sell, as vendors are still needed for the November 23rd, "A Country Christmas Bazaar" at St. James Family Center. If you're interested, you can call or email Christie, 360-849-0888, for applications.

This is always a fun event, and comes complete with several lunch items to purchase, so you can shop, eat and rest a minute and then shop some more! There's always a lot of various items offered and of course, there will be Scandanavian goodies for sale; always a big hit. For the kids, there's a store just for those under 12 who can shop where items are just a dollar and one of "Santa's helpers" can take your little one shopping to buy a gift or two for their Mom and Dad, which gets all wrapped up and ready to put under the tree; fun, fun! I'm sure the store would gladly accept a donation or two, so if you'd like to do that, stop by the center and drop those off.

For those of you who are new to the area, the center is located at 1134 Columbia Street in Cathlamet, so be sure to check it out.

EARLY HALLOWEEN--When big holidays wind up in the middle of the week, the celebrations for them are always the weekend before. So, beings Halloween is going to be next Thursday, the Halloween doings here in Skamokawa will be this weekend. The event this year is actually going to be held over two days so if you aren't able to come out Friday night, be sure to head this way on Saturday night, as our local lounge/restaurant will host a massive party with tons of prizes and a guaranteed good time. Hope you can make it down this way. Here's to lots of great costumes and a good time!

MUSEUM SEASON ENDS--As of Sunday, Oct. 27, the WCHS will shut the doors of the museum for the winter, so if you'd like to check the place out, you'd best be doing it this Saturday or Sunday, from 1 to 4 p.m. The museum is located at 65 River Street, Cathlamet 98612 and if you'd like to make a donation to the museum, that's where you'd send it. Here's hoping a few of you might think about becoming a docent at the museum come spring time, as volunteers are always needed to help spread the load and docent training will be announced after the first of the year and prior to the reopening.

If you have questions, contact Kari Kandoll at 360-849-4353; depending on her schedule, it is possible that Kari could open the museum for large/special groups from time to time during the upcoming months, but prior arrangements must be made and cannot be guaranteed.

LEFSE MAKING/SALE--Just a reminder for all you lefse lovers, that it will be time to head to the Norse Hall to learn how to make lefse. You can also just buy some lefse as well as other goodies, so head over to the hall next Thursday morning, Oct. 31 and get in on all the action; the folks in charge will be there through Nov. 2 to sell all the Norweigian goodies. Whatever you do, don't miss your chance to get some of these delicious Scandanavian treats.

FOOD COLLECTION--The Lions Club wants to remind you to have your bag of food and toiletry items ready for their annual food drive next week, Nov. 2. You should have it ready by 9 a.m., and can leave it on your porch if need be, and of course, if it's raining, have it in a plastic bag and have it clearly labeled that it is for the Lions Club. However, if you'd just like to deliver some items yourself, you can head to the Puget Island Fire Hall on SR 409 and drop it off there from 9 a.m., to 4 p.m. They always need peanut butter and other non-perishable food items, but they can also use paper products like toilet paper or paper towels, or feminine products or baby items, so we hope you'll give generously this year as there appears to be a lot of folks in need. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, there's always a need for stuffing mixes, canned yams and other items that would be needed to complete a holiday dinner, so you might want to think about adding some cranberry sauce or pickles and olives to your bag as well. Here's to a very successful food drive! Kudos to all those who donate and to all those who volunteer to help pick up the food and get it sorted out.

CLOCKS CHANGE SOON--It won't be long and it will be time to change our clocks, as it's almost time to "fall back." So, before going to bed on Saturday night, November 2, be sure to set that clock back an hour so you won't show up to work or church too early!

LEGION BREAKFAST--On Nov. 9, the American Legion, Deep River Post 111, will host their annual breakfast at the Rosburg Hall, so won't you enjoy a delicious breakfast and help support the Legion as well? I talked to Ken Elliott and he says they usually begin at 8 a.m., but often times folks show up a little early, so it's possible to scoot in there a bit before and at least have some coffee while you wait.

NICE GIFT--Once again, the gals of the "River City Strippers" quilting group have come through with giving a free quilt to one of our own, and well, they are just wonderful ladies that truly need to be recognized for their good works and deeds. The latest recipient of a quilt is Rex Gilbertsen, who had been severely injured in a motor vehicle accident awhile back, but luckily he is out of the hospital and doing much better and back on his feet. Needless to say, Rex was truly surprised and happy to receive this wonderful gift.

THINKING OF THEM--We want to give a shout out to Doug and Sunny Manary, as Doug is still recovering from an earlier stroke and dealing with other health issues, so we hope Doug continues to recover more and more each day. For Sunny, we wish her an extra boost of strength as they deal with the changes that have occurred due to his illnesses. It's not always easy being a caregiver along with being a working wife, so we'll be thinking of both of them!

GREAT JOB--I would be remiss if I didn't say congratulations to our Wahkiakum Eagle reporter, Diana Zimmerman, as she won three awards recently for her writing skills in different categories, so good for her. Keep up the good work!


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