To The Eagle:
This letter was originally for two weeks ago, so had to do some editing, to try and keep up to date with Trump's idiocy. Well Thursday didn’t disappoint (my Eagle comes Thursday). Got my usual chuckles from opinion pieces, some contradicting themselves. Someone mentioned facts. Fact is, Denmark is not in The Netherlands. Seems most of the economy growth came from the gift to corporations at the expense of increased debt. If the US is doing so great on all the winning, why is our debt load growing? Why is our trade deficit higher than ever? Why after 10 years, is growth in the same trajectory? Why is the stock market at same level as January, 2018? Almost two years without growth. Asking for a friend.
Like usual, Hillary (Obama or President Clinton) was brought up. On that note, Hillary made a pointed comment during her presidential run that there would be a conflict of interest if Trump was elected. Now the Trump Towers in Istanbul were of bigger importance than protecting Kurds? Kurds sacrificed 12,000 fighters to help us rid ISIS from their caliphate. Then Trump quickly states he wanted troops out of the Middle East but only moved them to Iraq to make room for Turkey to start the genocide of the Kurds who helped us. Then to make it worse, he is now sending 1,500 more, after the already 500, to Saudi Arabia, the country that spawned the 9/11 bombers of the Twin Towers.
Many veterans are speaking out on Trump’s desertion in Syria. Trump has no foreign policy other than $$$$. Latest is, now he may keep some troops to protect Syrian oil?
Drugs, which mostly come through poorly funded ports of entry, boats, ships and planes, not where walls are not present. Certainly small scale private smuggling occurs. Rapes and sex trafficking is going to be worse by Trump now sending women and kids to Mexico, to await processing with a year and more waiting time.
By the way, I do agree we have lots of work available, and some middle class workers have gained increases, but with many losing that to higher housing costs. I’m not doom and gloom, as some seem to think. But I find it appalling Trump extorting dirt from Ukraine and wherever possible for political purposes. Sadly Shep Smith, one of the fair commentators from FOX, can’t take the FOX spin any more, he quit FOX. Is Neil next?
I would like to invite these writers, (or anyone interested) to join me Saturday, 4 p.m., for coffee or a beer at The Duck Inn to have a real discussion, with questions and answers, not weekly comments.
Poul Toftemark
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