To The Eagle:
So. Facts and opinions actually are different things. Who knew! They are, however, not mutually exclusive. Dictionaries define a fact to be a thing that is undisputably the case, such as information used as evidence or as part of a report, and define opinion as a view or judgement not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
An opinion based upon a premise supported by verifiable facts becomes a valid opinion, making it a matter of fact. Presenting a valid opinion is an excellent method of sharing the facts of matters to readers of The Eagle.
Many opinions lacking any validity whatsoever have graced this page, ie: “Michigan is instituting Sharia law!” ( my favorite whopper). I call such statements “chum,” blood in the water that incites my instinct to attack and dismember them.
Another whopper dear to my inner shark is the ludicrous opinion that “Trump tells it like it is.” According to the Washington, our great confabulator has made 12,000 false or misleading claims during the past 928 days. For the grim documented specifics, consult Politifact. Our chief executive lies, publicly, more often than his fan club washes their hands.
Though I did imply that a few who voted for Trump might be having second thoughts, Trump’s fan club certainly didn’t feel mistaken while voting for the candidate who campaigned as a truculent nationalist and fascist bigot, and has remained so while in office, to their pride and joy.
I do my best, whilst participating in the public forum, to hold myself to a higher standard.
Any seeds of actual fact planted among my opinions may not be annotated as such but, hey, we only get 350 words to make our point. I try to get the facts out to the readership while telling the truth, as I see it, in my opinion.
JB Brouchard
Puget Island
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