To The Eagle:
I googled, “What US city has the most city parks per capita?”
Albion, Michigan, Population 8,700, has 17 public parks. This is approximately one park per 500 residents. This is thought to be the highest number of parks per capita of any incorporated city in the united states; wrong!
Cathlamet leads the United States with the most number of parks per person. Cathlamet has six parks, Strong Park, Erickson Park, Waterfront Park, Julia Butler Hansen Swimming pool park, Queen Sally Park, and Butler Street Park.
Cathlamet has 534 people so that is one park for every 89 people, that may be a world record. So I asked myself if that is what the citizens of Cathlamet want? We have access to the Marina, Vista Park, the Julia Butler Hansen Game Refuge, and County Line Park, in our immediate area. I have heard people say "we live in a park why build more?”
I think the citizens would be better served if the town would sell off some of their parks and run water and sewer lines to people that have failing septic systems. Not only would it serve the people, it would encourage growth to help out our businesses, and it would help reduce the "Big Time" sewer debt. I think it's sad that a widow on a fixed income in a small one bedroom trailer pays the same as a family of five in a four bedroom home for her utilities. Do you think more parks makes her life better? I know it doesn't make her income any better.
Port One has expressed an interest in purchasing the Waterfront Park. The Port has staff, restrooms, parking, and the money to actually develop it. What good does it do the town waiting for a grant that requires a match to actually develop the park? That money sure could be put to use to expand services to town citizens.
Thursday is a candidates forum and I am interested to see who wants to provide services to the citizens of Cathlamet or spend taxpayer money on a vanity park. US city has the most city parks per capita.
Richard Erickson
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