To The Eagle:
As in my last letter, I usually refrain from name-calling or using others’ names, I will continue to do so, as I respect other peoples’ opinions. As I’m an immigrant, learning the language, beginning at 13, I will also not comment on others’ ability to master the difficult language of English.
Wind and solar power in Denmark are working quite well, with no-one yet getting cancer from the windmills, or home values dropping. Many homes have solar panels installed, contrary to the belief that high noon is the only time they produce, even on cloudy days. Guess what? There is less pollution with wind and solar, no nuclear meltdowns or storage of waste problems. Since both technologies are in their infant stages, it’s fair to assume they will get better with time, unless the nay-sayers get too loud and powerful, like president or something.
Yes, there were other proposals to buy Greenland, but none by Twitter; they were well kept secrets, which is something impossible for Trump. Trump has shared top secrets and endangered operatives. Just yesterday he announced secret monitoring on the border wall; the man has no discrepancy of secret things, he has to brag about them.
I wish very much that all these nay-sayers would take a trip to visit the country that’s been the happiest, or in the top five in the world, for quite some time. Pay equality is very good there, after paying taxes, so all can have health care, a good education and equal rights; there is money left for home and vacation.
So, now to answer the coming questions, before they are asked: I live here because it is a wonderful country. Also because my family is here. We came at a time, not long after WWII, with poor job opportunities in Denmark. But as with all, it has flaws that can be fixed. Capitalism is great! Unions being undermined, is eliminating the balance of pay. In the 34 years up to 1980, the poorest saw strong growth, the middle class saw modest growth, and the richest saw very little growth. Hence, there was a modest trickle-down effect. Whilst in the 34 years up to 2014, the poorest saw negative or near zero growth, the middle class saw very little growth, and the richest saw very large growth. Hence there is a strong trickle-up effect.
Ford paid enough so workers could afford to buy a car, innovative win-win situation.
Poul Toftemark
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