Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Lower speed limits are needed for safety

To The Eagle:

It has come to my attention through Downriver Dispatches that there are plans to slow the speed limit through Rosburg. This is wonderful news, however, there has been no mention of the need to slow traffic through Grays River.

The accident on Thursday the 29th just west of the Methodist church is another indication of the need of a safer speed. The driver was apparently unharmed, but the car needed to be towed. This is one of many that go unnoticed and needs to be addressed before someone other than deer get killed. Neighbors have informed me of other wrecks in the immediate past as a result of high rates of speed.

Can the county recommend reducing the speed from Fairview Road just west of Loop Road to Malone Creek Road west of the Rosburg Store? Too many vehicles, many of which are logging trucks, over-sized loaded trucks with heavy equipment, RVs with cars being towed, trucks towing boats, travel too fast for the area.

Times have changed, and it is time to change with it and bring better safety to the westend by reducing the speed to 35 mph as it was about 20 years ago. The Grays River community has grown and the area is much busier.

The Grange, the Cannabis store, Duffy's, and the fire station are all in close proximity. It would also be a good idea to place a pedestrian walk way near the fire station so people can safely walk across the highway. If Skamokowa has a speed limit of 35 mph and is less congested than Grays River, then it is possible to do the same for the residents in Grays river.

Lorraine Schroeder

Grays River


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