Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Congratulations to Herrera-Buetler for budget vote

To The Eagle:

Our US Representative Jamie Herrera Beutler deserves praise for voting against H.R. 3877—the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019. This budget is projected to add $1.7 trillion to the national debt, which is already over $22.5 trillion and rising fast.

Federal debt is now the largest it has ever been in the history of our country during peacetime and it should be noted that government debt is rising even while the economy is expanding.

On this track, publicly held debt will hit 144% of GDP by 2049—what looks to be an all-time high. As the debt grows, more of the federal budget will be spent on interest payments. It’s as if debt service will be the cost of a major government program itself.

Too many lawmakers lack an eye on our future. To put this in perspective, let’s compare ages of some US Senators who voted for the budget. In 2049, Diane Feinstein will be 116. Senators Cantwell and Murray, respectively, will be 90 and 98. I will be 84—the same age as my active father is now.

The federal government has always carried debt, however, the current massive load is a liability. A recession or war—well before 2049—could make what seems like to many an abstract issue, a real crisis.

In 2049, Rep. Herrera Beutler will be 70. Young people need to look to lawmakers like her and reject the way older leaders are kicking the fiscal can down the road.

We can’t be certain of the future—except for death and taxes.

Krist Novoselic

Deep River


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