We had a very good turn out for our second gaming show, 22 entries for the six events. We also had 10 entries for the Texas Barrels 50/50 jack pot. We made over $700. That money will go into improving our arena.
The weather was perfect, and with the 30 yards of screened dirt that we added to the arena, the footing was improved, which shows in the improved times. Results are as follows:
PeeWee (11& under)
1. Abby Doan won a head stall, 2. Sophia Bitner won a feed dish, 3. Kaitlyn Jessee won a fleece throw and 3. Tru Most won saddle soap.
12-18 yr. old division
1. Makayla Davis won a breast collar, 2. Brooke Myers won a feed dish, 3. Hope Norwood won a trailer hay bag and 3. Lucy Kosa won saddle soap.
19-35 yr. old division
1. Olivia Weisenborn won a breast collar, 2. Kristina Heiner won a feed dish, 3. Nikkole Heage and Sparky won a trailer hay bag, and 3. Ashlenn Coleman won saddle soap.
36 & 0ver division
1. Susan Potter won a breast collar, 2. Sunny Thoreson won a feed dish, 3. Diane Carter won a trailer hay bag, and 3. Raime Wright won saddle soap.
Novice division
1. Adrian Cram won a breast collar, 2. Nikkole Heage and Louie won a feed dish and 3. Sarah Frank won a trailer hay net.
Daily high point winner was Makayla Davis. She won a $25 gift certificate to Brimm's Farm and Garden in Warrenton, Ore. Good job, Makayla; this makes two months in a row. The times for daily high point were very close, with less than a 10th of a second between Makayla, Olivia, Abby and Sophia. Something to watch for next month.
The Texas barrels 50/50 jack pot was also a close race for first place, which was won by Olivia Weisenborn, who posted a time of 16.24 seconds. Olivia won $30. Second place was won by Diane Carter, with a time of 16.28. Diane won $20.
I would like to thank every one who helped put on this show: Mike Doan, great job on the arena; Sheila our announcer; Marjorie, Shelby and M.J. for every thing you did, ticket taking, registration, back up timers, arena set up and rock picking; Chuck for setting up our P.A. system and timing equipment; Tomi and Crystal gate keeper and timer. If I missed anybody, I'm sorry because without your help I could not put on this show.
Our next show is July 13; we hope to see you there.
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