Are you over 60? Would you like some fresh produce?
The state has provided packets for 19 Wahkiakum seniors containing $40 worth of vouchers to purchase fresh produce at authorized farmers markets, farm stores, and roadside stands in Washington. They can also be used at the farmers market in Astoria.
The checks can be used to purchase fresh produce, fresh herbs, and honey.
Each packet contains 10 $4 checks. You can use them all at once or one at a time. Vendors won’t make change, so be certain to use the whole amount. They have to be used by October 31.
Port 1 employee and farmer’s market organizer Mackenzie Jones was excited about the program from the first moment she learned about it. She and Kelly Patterson from the Hope House have been working to make it happen.
“Let's do this; let's get some seniors some fresh produce,” Jones said.
Right now she only has two vendors that can accept the vouchers, Glory B Farms and Island’s End Farm, but she’s doing all she can to bring in more produce.
“It needs to be used,” Jones said of the program.
The program is first come, first serve. There were 19 packets to begin with, but some were handed out at the last Farmers Market.
In other news, Jones is adding more Trunk Sale dates to their schedule this summer, due to the popularity of the event. The Trunk Sales are twice a month and will coincide with the Farmers Market, which occur every Friday throughout the summer, from 4-7 p.m.
Trunk Sales are scheduled for July 5 and 26, August 2 and 23, and September 6 and 20, and just like the Farmers Market, will be from 4-7 p.m.
For just $10 per vehicle, anyone with something to sell can bring it to the marina in their car or truck, or even a trailer, for shoppers to peruse.
Maria’s Taco Stand, KCC Treats, and River Mile 38 Brewing Co. will be open during each Trunk Sale as well.
For more information on senior vouchers or the Trunk Sale, contact Mackenzie at 360-849-9401 or
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