Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Commissioner does not speak for all

To The Eagle:

Commissioner Cothren should probably think twice in the future before he claims to represent the thinking of the people who reside in our fine community.

Contrary to his assertion, my family did not decide to move back here because we “don't like all these restrictions.” Our decision had a lot more to do with the fact that this area was still free of the strip malls with their low wages, outside owners that suck the wealth out of the area, and tons of cheap plastic trash which ends up all over the place. Dollar stores are a prime example of all that.

I don't claim to speak for everyone, but I know there are a whole lot of folks around here who feel the same. To us it won't be a welcome addition.

Richard Beck

Puget Island


Reader Comments(1)

Raisedeyebrows writes:

Who wants the dollar store - who stands to profit - Follow The Money