Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

We got played

To The Eagle:

12/18/17: Bernadette Goodroe leaves the Cathlamet Town Council.

1/16/18: Executive Session (council only)- The regular meeting was recessed at 7:33 p.m. for an executive session to consider the selection of a site or acquisition of real estate, expected to last for approximately five minutes.

3/15/18: $1,000 Promissory note paid to Goodrow.

3/19/18: Executive session regarding the acquisition of real estate expected to last for 30 minutes with no action afterward.

4/16/18: Executive session regarding the acquisition of real estate . . . The regular meeting resumed at 7:47 p.m. Motion to authorize the mayor to seek an appraisal on a property was made by Ryan Smith, seconded by Tanya Waller. Carried five yes.

5/5/18: Duncan takes over the Bike/Ped. Grant. Unbeknownst to me it now includes, under Parks: Pocket Park (on 2nd Street across from Mayor Dale Jacobson's house.) This now sets the precedent for a parking lot to be renamed “Pocket Park.”

Prior to this May meeting, as council’s liaison to the Planning Commission, Jean Burnham presents her plan to make Sally’s Well (next to the library) a pocket park, featuring it in a walking tour much like Cannon Beach had done with their historical sites. She was very excited about it and we included it.

5/8/18: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes: “We agreed each proposed or existing park be referenced in the Park/Rec Plan.”

Privately, up at the garden the week before the vote to purchase the Butler lot, Jean complains to me that she was being “pushed” by Sue. “You mean how you vote?” I ask. “Yeah,” she replies.

Remember how Jean, running for the council, was asked: “As the legislative branch of the mayor/council government, what does the town council do?” She responds: “The council affirms and reinforces the direction that the mayor wishes to go in.”

5/21/18: TOC Minutes/Reports page 2, last line: “The Mayor said that he would like to try and salvage some of the old playground equipment from Erickson Park to install at the Pocket Park next to Town Hall where he intends to place the former bus shelter that he acquired.”

Executive Session regarding the acquisition of real estate expected to last for 15 minutes with no action afterward.

Before the June vote, Steven Lake read the following Ecology report to the council, but it was excluded from the TOC Minutes, so I don’t have the date.

Steven Lake’s subsequent letter to the Eagle re: contamination--

To be continued . . .

Prudence Diem



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