To The Eagle:
My wife and I attended the liquidation sale at Wally Wright’s Pro Hardware on Thursday morning.
To say I was impressed with the citizenry of Cathlamet is an understatement. There was a crowd, as per expectations, but as far as I saw, there were absolutely no problems whatsoever. In fact, quite the opposite. People let other folks ahead of them. People helped other folks find things. Fair prices were offered on items not marked. People were kind. People were cordial. People were pleasant. People said “Thank You” and “Please” and “Excuse Me.” I heard laughter and small talk. No Black Friday Walmart Madness. No cursing. No anger. No fights. No bickering. Mr. Wright’s family was on the spot with assistance, and the clientele appreciated that greatly. Transactions went smoothly. People were patient. People held doors. People stepped aside. People helped carry purchases out to waiting vehicles, often for one-time strangers.
It was as it should be, and I couldn’t be more proud of the folks here. It was, in a word, quite impressive. If you weren’t there, you truly missed what I see as the definition of Good Folks.
Thanks to Linda and Mike Wright for opening their business to all of us. I hope we made you proud.
M.D. Johnson
Elochoman Valley
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