Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Building and planning clarifies matter

To The Eagle:

Due to a misinterpretation on the part of Wahkiakum Building and Planning, it was incorrectly stated that the proposed Dollar General needed a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Notice.

Shoreline Permit review requirements are not applicable to the Dollar General Development due to the property being located outside of the regulated shoreline development area. A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review had been conducted in accordance with WAC 197-11. Dollar General falls within the recommended use category of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comp Plan Designation of the Dollar General site as: Commercial Use; which has a recommended use of highway-oriented developments; cafes; restaurants; auto service stations, shopping centers, retail service centers. Discouraged Use: Residential development; industrial use. Thus, no requirement of review by the Planning Commission is required. We apologize for any misunderstanding. All associated permits for land segregation, land clearing, Critical Area Permits, and building permits are being obtained.

David W. Hicks, Building Inspector/Planner

Wahkiakum Building and Planning


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