Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Downriver Dispatches

News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle

Gone but not forgotten 2

The main reason you see my picture and e-mail address is so that I will be recognized by the community in which I serve. My motive is to be able to reach the community to find out what the needs are and to try and find ways to facilitate that need. Sometimes in my zeal for the truth I miss some important information and you my gracious readers have responded to help me correct errors. I am thankful to the readers for your e-mails and for approaching me in public with your support.

Before last week, I had never even heard of the Salmon Creek Cemetery and up till a few days ago I never knew there was a Salmon Creek Cemetery Association until I received an e-mail from their secretary Chuck Hendrickson stating there was an error in my story. I talked with him on the phone and he gave me insight as to what is happening at the pioneer cemetery. I told him that I would print his e-mail in this week's paper to clarify things and inform the public at the same time. Here is the letter:

Dear Mr. Alexander,

I am writing to take exception to your article in Downriver Dispatches regarding logging of the old Salmon Creek Cemetery. In 2012, the property owner decided to log the property to the west and north of the cemetery, and he hired a professional forestry consultant to prepare the permit. The consultant approached the Salmon Creek Cemetery Association and strongly advised that the trees inside the cemetery also be removed, as this remaining narrow strip of trees would have been highly susceptible to blow down. The resulting uprooting of trees would have caused catastrophic damage to graves. After thoughtful consideration of the options, the cemetery board, which included family members of those buried there as well as two professional loggers, reluctantly decided to accept the recommendation of the forestry consultant. In December of 2012, the State Department of Archaeology and Historical Preservation performed a site visit and issued a Management Protection Plan, a copy of which is attached. The plan was followed to the letter. A professional archaeology firm was hired and was present during the logging.

Chuck Hendrickson

Secretary, Salmon Creek Cemetery Association

Thanks to Chuck Hendrickson for all the additional information he gave me concerning the Salmon Creek Cemetery. He mows the new cemetery and frequents the old one and does volunteer his time. Although the trees are gone, there still remains the problem of upkeep. What the Naselle Youth Camp crew did with Bob Lipe earlier this spring was a start, but so much more is needed. A partial list of names was given to me by Chuck Hendrickson and there are at least 57 graves, most in this cemetery, and there are many that are still covered by foliage. The majority of the names are pioneer Finns from Naselle and Deep River. Anyone that is willing to help by donating time and/or money, please contact Chuck Hendrickson at 360-484-3302. Please do not go up on your own to work because some of the graves are unmarked and the ground is not very level in places.

Westend news

Everyone is invited to the Rosburg Community Hall at 28 Rosburg Community Hall Rd, this Sunday, May 19 for the 17th annual Spring Tea & Luncheon. This is one week after Mother's Day and is presented by the Grays River United Methodist Church Friendship Circle. The doors will open at 11:30 a.m. and lunch begins an hour later with a traditional High Tea Menu. A program will follow lunch. Suggested donation is $8 per person at the door. A silent auction will also be held to benefit the West End Food Pantry. For more information call Mickey Bates 360-484-7749.

Cemetery cleanup

Just another reminder to set the date and time for The Seal River Cemetery cleanup on Saturday at 1 p.m. and everyone is welcome. The cemetery is located about 3.2 miles west of Duffy's. The Seal River Cemetery Association hires the monthly mowing during the grass growing season but the clean-up day complements the regular mowing timetable so the cemetery will look pleasant for Memorial weekend. For further information call Kari Kandoll 360-849-4353.

Naselle News

The Naselle Timberland Library has a variety of special events set. Come to the library May 1 to May 30 during open hours to create with Perler beads! All materials are provided. On the first Saturday of every month, join them for their Family Movie Matinee at 1 p.m. These movies may be PG-13 rated suitable for teen or adult audiences. They will provide the popcorn; you bring a pillow to sit on.


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