Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Will the mayor show leadership?

To The Eagle:

Richard Nixon accepted advice from his friends, or at least the guys on his side of the aisle, and resigned the presidency in August, 1974, saving the country from the continuation of a divisive imbroglio and a paralyzed government. To achieve similar goals, it would be helpful if Mayor Dale Jacobson would accede to the handwriting on the wall and step down. An interim mayor could be appointed and the actual replacement process be deferred until November when the county already has the burden of running an election.

The four council members facing potential recall could submit provisional resignations and be included on that November ballot, allowing the recall authors to withdraw the appeal, saving all parties from further legal expense. The property in the eye of the storm could revert to being a nondescript gravel lot until next year when a revised cast of characters can make decisions about it.

There are, no doubt, many legal caveats and administrative hoops to jump through to achieve all this, but we are blessed with two immensely talented and capable public servants already on the scene to guide us through such a process – Sylvia Costich and Fred Johnson. Question is, will Mayor Dale show some leadership and get the ball rolling?

Howard Brawn

Puget Island


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