Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

No easy answers for gun violence

To The Eagle:

Like any normal person, I'm disgusted and sickened by the gun violence and other assaults in our country and around the world. Not sure of the reasons although there are many more than ready to blame Trump and company. That would be too easy so will not jump on that sinking ship as it has a limited future. Poverty, real or perceived, could be one reason as well as different belief systems but that is just an excuse and is in no way productive in solving what is turning into a world wide problem.

Listening to the news this morning, I heard the most remarkable statement. It came from the Rabbi that had been wounded but not killed because a 60 year old woman jumped in front of him to protect him from the shooter, of course armed with an AR-15. The woman was killed and it sounds like the gun jammed or others may well have joined her. The thing that made my blood boil was when the Rabbi described the shooter as a 19 year old child. Child? Excuse me! A person of 19 is not a child, not even in this country which tends to mollycoddle the wee ones. I would pray that when I was in the USMC at age 17 and married with a baby at 19 I wasn't a ‘child.' Good grief.

Doubt that removing guns is the answer although other countries have had some success with that. Our country is a gun country and always will be so what to do? Your move.

It might help to recognize that our species shares 98 percent of the same genes as an even more violent species. Chimpanzees.

James Roberts

Elochoman Valley


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