To The Eagle:
Thank you, Eagle, for revealing that while Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS, has been largely contained by the Mueller report, there are still local flare-ups. Positive statements of fact about our president, @realDonaldTrump, produce word salad reactions complete with connect-the-dots mind reading. A laundry list of imagined slights and wished-for offences by his administration ending with Orange Man Bad is the hallmark of those suffering from TDS.
Positive movement in the national economy, coupled with appointments to SCOTUS and the Federal Bench, as well as identifying our broken system are why @POTUS has my continued support. These three issues were on a train headed for the cliff. Imho. Engineer Donald, our Tweeeter-in-Chief, switched tracks, and changed direction. As a passenger on the Trump Train, I breathe easier. Alas, Chicken Littles are now looking for new friends to convince that the sky is falling; Their old ones having been eaten by the fox Mueller. My advice, take the red pill, TDS sufferers.
Adele Swift
P.S. Another treat from President Trump was making the NATO nations cough up more$. Ha!
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