Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Don't despair, trickle down may reach us

Don’t despair, trickle down may reach us

To The Eagle:

Swamp draining is an ugly but entertaining business. As the slime recedes, the denizens go through thrashing death throes or beat noisy, smelly retreats. The always farcical Russia collusion investigation hoax has ended, exposed as nothing more than a coverup for the felonies and pecadillos of the Hillary- Obama cabal and three dozen or so high officials from DOJ, FBI, IRS, and Intelligence are scrambling for cover. Devin Nunes of the House Intelligence Committee has forwarded eight criminal referrals to justice, as he says, “now that we have a real Attorney General.” Among the noisiest and smelliest of the retreats is Rep. Adam Schiff, who has always maintained that he, personally, has always had evidence of Trump’s collusion and obstruction, which now proves to be totally nonexistent. (Sorry, JB).

Part of the entertainment has been watching the march to the gallows of the fake news media. Bill Kristol led the Weekly Standard down the Never Trump path, and they went out of business last December after 20 years of publication. CNN and MSNBC’s ratings have tanked and the NY Times and Washington Post continue to shrink, but they are screeching louder than ever. Death throes mebbe? In The Eagle, the last Associated Press hit-piece on Trump (Cloud Lifts Over Trump, Mar 28) was mellower than usual, and actually had a couple of nuggets of truth in it. Retreat?

Swamp draining no doubt has a trickle-down effect, but it’s a little slow to penetrate the well-armored Left Coast. Here in Washington our hapless governor is campaigning for president on the oxymoronic principles of the Green New Deal while Seattle collapses into a morass of homelessness, drug abuse, and runaway taxation. Closer to home, Cowlitz County still has an unemployment rate double the national average. They’re suffering from the local iteration of the Obama’s War on Coal, and we locally have been bruised by public property and utility development by imperial decree, both symptomatic of the Economic Development Disease.

Don’t despair! The trickle-down may reach us. Looks as if the left’s loony activity has probably assured another term for the Donald.

Howard Brawn

Puget Island


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