Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Feels like dictatorship

To The Eagle:

I have an angering concern regarding how our property tax is appraised. For simplicity, in my opinion, all the appraiser needs to inspect are the sizes of the buildings and property; no matter the view/frontage or the quality of construction and condition.

As to the value of what we do to our buildings and property inside/outside, what business is that to the legislators? Did our legislators pay for and plant the garden/flowers/shrubs we put in? Plant/prune the orchards/trees? Lay out the granite, marble countertops? Laminate or carpet the floors? Put in the fireplace/baseboard heaters/heat pump? Wood/metal siding? Tile/shingle roof? Septic/sewer? And so on?

The homeowners worked their butts off with their hard earned money to have such a place. They’ve already paid for the things they bought to their liking, tax included.

It seems every time we add a little something to our place we are penalized for it. Why tax again yearly of things we’ve already bought and paid for? It doesn’t make sense.

If the homeowners want to sell their place over the limit of its value, that is their right and privilege; not the legislators’. After all, in my opinion, legislators don’t work. Instead of finding ways to elminate taxes/regulations, they’re very good at just talking, finding more ways to add taxes/regulations and especially take.

Again, what business is it to the legislators? Feels like dictatorship.

Toni Below



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