To The Eagle:
Feeling a bit like crossing pens with some of our local more conservative readers/writers so after a several month hiatus here goes.
I challenge each one to read, or re-read, Grapes of Wrath. Written in 1939 this book is as timely today as it was 80 years ago when it first was published, earning Steinbeck the Pulitzer for literature. Of course the times are different, the characters are different along with the technology but the human tragedy is just as current today as it was yesteryear.
There are so many things going really wrong in our country today that it would either be redundant to the enlightened or fall on the deaf and uncaring ears for the less astute so given that, I will stop here and let the readers sharpen their wits and pens for the waited for responses. Peace.
James Roberts
Elochoman Valley
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