See history come alive through re-enactment, song, dance and bad jokes in this lost piece of socially significant stage craft as two Finnish boys from the old country, “Minnesota” who, with the help of their Mama (and sisters) save the day.
Meet Captain Bobby Gray, Miss Jaynie Barnes, the Svenson Sisters, the Brave Indian Guide Sacagawea, the crew of the Corps of Discovery and a whole cast of colorful characters as we witness our courageous heroes forge their way with dedication and commitment from Saint Charles Missouri to the Oregon Pacific Coast. Walk in their footsteps as they battle the wilds of nature, evil villains and suffering great tragedy without ever losing their beer supplies! Then, watch as they come to the rescue of Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and the Corps of Discovery reaching the end of the Pacific trail first to settle the little city on the mouth of the Columbia River they named “Astoria” in honor of their relative, John Jacob Svenson-Astor.
Performances are at the ASOC Playhouse, 129 W. Bond Street in Uniontown, Astoria, March 29 - April 20, at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays with 2 p.m., Sunday matinees on April 7 and 14.
Tickets are $20 for front row seats, $15 for all others, children 12 and under $10. They also have $10 Fridays, where all seats are $10.
Tickets are available 24/7 at
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