I will start by answering some questions I received.
1. If I paid $30 to ride in the six events, why do I have to pay $3 for a time only event?
Time only events are really just a warm up for you and your horse. We've seen horses go off course, resulting in a no time for the horse and rider. This happens usually because the horse spooks or refuses to do an event the first time. By buying a time only ticket, you can do a practice run first.
2. What if I buy time only tickets and don't use them all on that date?
Any unused tickets can be used for the next show. All tickets purchased must be used in 2019. They won't carry over to 2020.
3. Will we still be allowed to warm up before the events start?
Yes, the gate will open at 8 a.m. All riders are free to warm up until it is time to set up for the first event.
4. When do we get to ride for Time Only Events?
Before each event. When your name is called, if you want to do a time only ride first, tell the gate keeper and give him your ticket. He will then let the table know.
I am working with Fair Manager Patty Dursteler to get more screened dirt for the arena. We are working hard to improve the footing in the arena. This is greatly needed and not just for the gaming series and fair, it is also needed for the bull riding event in July and for any rider who uses the arena throughout the year.
We had a series high point prize for 36 years and older/novice class donated by the Meyer Family. This is a great prize consisting of one pair of sports boots, one pair of overreach boots, a fly mask, a hay bag and a rope halter and lead. So if you ride in the 36 and over or in the novice division, we now have a very nice series high point prize.
Come out and ride. If you don't ride, come out and support the riders.
For more information, contact Valerie Antijunti at sheepmilksoap@gmail.com or 509-679-6049.
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