News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle
This new snow we had is sure to conjure up memories because we do not get snow like one would in other places in the world like the artic or Antarctica. As a young child in my home town, Wahkiakum snow like this would have had a big impact on my imagination.
Imagine going to bed as usual. You shut off the lights and crawl into bed and pull the covers over your shoulders as you roll over on your right side. Looking up through the bedroom window you see the grey night sky that has left a soft snow that is gently hugging the tree limbs. You know it is freezing outside yet you feel almost compelled to open the window, but you don’t. That is exactly what I have done countless times in my youth, but I would open it quietly so I would not awaken my parents or siblings. I loved the adrenaline feeling I got just to feel that crispness of cold air filling your lungs. You feel alive and vibrant as the experience brings back a multitude of memories. This icy air begins to penetrate the blankets and sleep is now not an option. It is now a matter of survival.
I know it was cold but all I could think about was the fact that Arctic and Antarctic explorers experienced far more severe subzero temperatures than I possibly ever would even though they had the gear to do these amazing voyages; I was determined in my young mind that I could go a bit longer with the cold even though it was a modest 30 degrees. After about an hour of shivering awake rolled up in a fetal position it began to dawn on me that everyone else in the house had to be as cold as me. I slid the window shut as quietly as I had opened it and hoped the house heater kicked on.
I no sooner as laid my head back on my pillow when the door opened and my father walked in with my younger sister peeking at me around my dad mouthing the words something to the effect that my world was about to change. I glanced over at my older brother to see that not only was he awake, but his blankets were pulled over his head to keep him warm. He looked like a lost puppy with his eyes glaring at me questioningly as if to ask why. I looked back at my father as if to expect some punishment, but he just said, “Knock it off! We are not going to be playing Arctic explorers in this house.” With that he walked out with my sister thumbing her nose at me and the door quietly was shut. My brother just went back to sleep. I was left with the notion that somehow coincidence or not, my dad somehow was able to read my thoughts while he was sleeping so I was determined to go to sleep and see if my dad was eaves dropping on me while I was sleeping. My dad has since passed away and I never knew if he could read my thoughts because every time I had a dream I would wake up and not remember what had transpired. I still love seeing the wonders of Wahkiakum Snow and I still do a little exploring up the KM Mountain.
Grays River News
Duffy’s Irish Pub is holding a benefit concert “Avi Get Well Tour” on Friday, 6-10 p.m. The sounds of reggae island beats will be performed by No Worriez. Also performing will be Raeanne Phillips. All tips will go to Aviv Haviv and his family while recovering from open heart surgery. This is open to the public.
Rosburg News
There is not an award that I know of for what these ladies have done at the Rosburg Hall, but there should be. For approximately half of one’s lifetime or for forty years or more these valiant ladies have humbly sacrificed their time for others fastidiously preparing food for others. In the years that I have had the honor to observe them and their helpers, I have never heard them whine or complain regardless of the circumstances. I am referring to Sonja Kruse and Barbara Rose. My hat is off to you two ladies with special thanks from me for your service. I apologize in advance for those I should have mentioned, but I just didn’t know your name.
For those who have attended or are planning to attend the Naselle/Grays River Valley Seniors luncheon on Wednesday, those who are 55 and older can join; also the potluck will be at the Valley Bible Church on every fourth Wednesday. Anyone interested in renting the Rosburg Hall is encouraged to contact Sonja Kruse at 465-2251 or Barbara Rose at 465-2251.
Thursday luncheon at noon at the Rosburg Hall is sponsored by the Community Action Program (CAP) out of Kelso/Longview. Any questions, contact Denise Rae at (360) 425-3430 extension 259.
Grays River Valley Community Center at Johnson Park is located at 30 Rosburg School Rd., they are happy to announce their 6th Annual Super Sale. This is an open invitation to vendors and individuals who wish to participate and will be able to purchase a table to promote their business. The Grays River Valley Center will be hosting the event on March 23from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Items can be used, new, crafts, vintage, antiques. There will be over 50 table spaces available, approximately 6' X 10', plus room outside. The cost for the first table is just $10, each additional space will be $5. Set up will be on March 22 from 2-8 p.m. You can mail or call in your reservation. All reservations need to include payment. For more information and to make your reservation call 360-465-2310, if no answer please leave a message, and they will get back to you as soon as possible.
Naselle News
The Appelo Archives is presenting a “Valentine’s Day Party with Lyle Haataja.” Come and enjoy free coffee and pastries while Lyle plays his favorite Scandinavian songs from 11 a.m.-1p.m., today (Thursday). The Archives Café will also be open.
The Naselle Community Center at 14 Parpala Rd., will hold their first concert on Saturday at 5 p.m. with snacks following. Performing artists include Lydia Ballif, piano; Carl Wirkkala, country musician; Richard Ellis, vocalist; Kim Angelis, violinist; and Gene Quilhaugh, folk singer and guitarist. The event is by donations only. For more information about the event or the changes in the church, contact Mike Swanson at 360-484-3388 or 360-484-3602.
The Naselle Timberland Library: Play Group is held every Tuesday at noon through March 26 for children birth to six years of age with a participating adult.
The Naselle Sports Club Crab and Oyster Feed will take place this coming Sunday from 1-5 p.m., at the Naselle-Grays River valley School. The cost per ticket is $22 and includes crab, oysters, coleslaw, baked beans and garlic bread with an optional hot dog, baked beans, and coleslaw for only $5.
The Naselle Comets boys’ and girls’ basketball teams will face off with their next opponents at a later specified time. As of this writing the snow and ice kept many of the teams from both Olympia and Vancouver could not make the trip.
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