Skamokawa News
NICE BEGINNING--This week began with some cool temperatures and lots of fog in West Valley, but the sun that followed was certainly enjoyed! We had the same thing at the end of last week, as Saturday was dry and decent too, so having a whole weekend dry was a big plus. However, I understand that by mid-week we will probably get wet again, so while we get lulled into almost Spring-like weather, we have to remember it is still winter, so we can't get too complacent!
GREAT FEED--That nice dry evening we had this past Saturday worked out just great for those who were standing outside and waiting in line for the annual Crab and Oyster Feed at the Rosburg Hall/Community Center. It helped even more that they opened the doors a little early, so the masses could get seated, as I'm pretty sure there was hardly a seat left in the place once dinner was served; that was great! As always, the crab and oysters and all the trimmings were great and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all of those who have attended for years, and it was especially impressive to a bunch of first-timers who said they were definitely coming back next year, and that's always great to hear!
As a special treat this year, we had none other than Wahkiakum's very own pageant winner, Evelyn Clark there! You may not be aware of this but Evelyn is only the second small town girl to win Miss Washington, as all the others have been from big cities. She is also one of the few who still holds down a job and works, while still being on the circuit to perform all of her pageant obligations, so that's a pretty big deal. Evelyn was there with some of her family members, like her folks, Mike and Leah Clark, as well as her grandparents, Hap and Dixie Anderson and even her Aunt and Uncle, Karen (Anderson) and Gene Healy were in the crowd. We wish her the best as she continues to represent our state prior to taking part in the Miss USA contest. Go Evelyn!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Jan. 31 to February 6 are Kyle Gribskov, Courtney Zurick, Varsha Martin, K.C. Garrison, Nicole Emery, Pam Moore, Grant Johnson, Alyssa Montgomery, Kathy Tarabochia, Ed Stornetta, Betty Brons, Terrie Eaton, Terry Ostling, Alecia Mosteller, Maddux Moore, Pamela Everest Priestly, Alexyss Baldwin, Troy Kyle and Madilyn Freeman.
Happy Anniversary wishes this week go out to Jason and Jami Rainey and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cothren. Enjoy your special days everybody!
THIS SATURDAY--The annual Valentine Dinner being put on to help raise monies for the fair is this Saturday, Feb. 2, at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds in the nicely heated Youth Building. Dinner starts at 6 p.m., so it is hoped that they will see you there and maybe you will be the grand prize winner of the necklace they are raffling off this year. According to fair manager, Patty Dursteler, you can get tickets at the Duck Inn or from a fair board member.
LOTS TO DO--The above dinner starts a month long parade of various fund raising events and special holiday dinners, so put away the aprons, ladies and enjoy the next few weekends out on the town! For all you new folks in town, please note that there is something going on almost every weekend. Also, if you would like to get involved in your new community, please think about volunteering for one of the many groups in town. From our Wahkiakum County Fair, to the Museum in Cathlamet, to the Skamokawa Grange, the Pioneer Center in Cathlamet or groups like the American Legion, Kiwanis, Lions Club, etc., there are lots of opportunities to jump in there and help out, with either your physical presence or your donations. Trust me, there is never "nothing to do" in our county!
SB SUNDAY--It's that time of year when no matter what teams are playing in the big Super Bowl football game, a lot of us are just going to be watching so we can pick out the best commercial. I say you can't beat the commericals that feature those fabulous Clydesdales, so I'll be rooting for them. As far as which team to root for, the Rams or the Patriots, well, I'm not sure, but I do know one group who are diehard Patriot fans, and that's the John Burdicks. Their son, Brandon was even at the Patriots' playoff game, which was an overtime thriller, so I'm sure he's hoping they go all the way in the Super Bowl!
PAINTING TIME--If you like to attend those fun "paint and sip" parties, one is coming up at the Duck Inn, so grab your gal pals and head down this way on Feb. 7 for a fun time out, while creating a great work of art for your upcoming Valentine decor! All the fun starts at 6 p.m. Be sure to contact them so you can get a spot and cost info: 360-795-6055. For those of you who are new to the area, the Duck Inn is located at 1377 W SR 4 in "downtown" Skamokawa, just a few miles west of Cathlamet.
FLEA MARKET--On Feb. 9, which is the following Saturday, the monthly Flea Market will be held at the fairgrounds, so you'll be able to find that wonderful new treasure that you just can't do without. Remember, there are many vendors selling their own creations so it's not just second-hand things that are available. If you'd like to get a jump on your Spring cleaning, now would be a good time to rent a table and make a few bucks on those perfectly good but no longer needed items, so contact Patty by leaving a message at 360-795-3480 and renting a table for just $10. The market hours are 9 to 3 p.m.
BINGO--The Sons of Norway want to invite you to the Norse Hall on Puget Island for their monthly bingo games, which are held on the second Saturday of the month, so it will take place the evening of Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. Once you've done some shopping at the flea market, you can rest up at home for a bit, grab a bite to eat and then head over to the hall and enjoy some fun games of bingo. Cards are $5 each and you could be the lucky winner of a nice cash prize to take home!
SMORGASBORD--If you've never been to Naselle for one of the Smorgasbords there, you're really missing out. However, you have another chance to attend, as this next one will take place on Feb. 10. So head to the Naselle High School and help support the American Legion Auxillary group and have a great meal to boot!
VALENTINE'S DAY--Be sure to check out all your local dining spots for their Valentine Dinner Specials, as there's bound to be one or two that fits your tastebuds. It's important these days to support your local folks who have been so invaluable in supporting all the fund raising events that so many of our local organizations depend on, so the least we can do is to help them too. Remember, Feb. 14 is coming soon, so don't delay in making those plans and making those reservations early!
ANOTHER C & O FEED--If you just went to the crab and oyster feed in Rosburg, but are still looking for more, or you missed it and would really like some, you only have to wait a couple of more weeks and you'll be able to enjoy the Crab and Oyster Feed put on by the Wahkiaum County Chamber of Commerce. This feed has three different seating times and will take place at its usual spot, the Norse Hall. They too will have many raffle items you can buy tickets for and the proceeds will go towards the Bald Eagle Day fireworks show in mid-July, so it's a great cause. As of this writing, the chamber is still accepting more items for the raffle part of this fund raiser, so contact them at 360-795-9996 if you'd be willing to donate something.
FUND RAISER FOR LOCALS--Not too long ago, Bobby McNally and his wife, Sabrina, had a fire in their mobile home and they really took a big hit from all the damage done there. Several have asked what they can do or where to send a donation, but just recently a new idea has come to light, and that's a fund raising event to benefit them. This dinner and raffle fund raiser will take place on Feb. 23 at the Norse Hall at 4 p.m. They will serve pork sliders and the cost will be $10, and then there will be tickets on sale for various prizes. Here's your chance to skip the cooking for the evening and join your friends in a meal and help out Bobby and Sabrina as well, so mark that Saturday down on your calendars now, it's the last Saturday in February.
IN OUR THOUGHTS--We've had some folks in our area who are really battling some tough medical issues, and one of them is Steve Rabelos. He's had to have a brain tumor removed and the family could use a little financial help. If you are one of those folks who knows how to go about using the "gofundme" account thing, his wife Patricia has set up a fundraising account at: Kerrie McNally is valiantly battling her cancer but has had to make a couple trips to the hospital, so we will be thinking of her and supporting her in her battle and wish only the best for her. Kay Cochran has had some serious health issues this past week as well and as of this writing, is in the hospital. Her daughter, Stephanie has asked that all "prayer warriors" keep her Mom on their prayer lists and we certainly hope her health issues improve and that she is able to come home soon.
FAMILY LOSS--Our family received some sad news this past Sunday morning from Bill's sister, Karen Blain, as she told us that their aunt, Kate Chamberlain, passed away in eastern Oregon. Katie was married to Richard (Dick) Chamberlain who passed away several years ago. Kate leaves behind six children and multiple grandchildren and nieces and nephews. A date for her service has yet to be set.
ISLANDER GONE--As this week begins, I got word from Lesley (Larry) Horman that Vern Olson has left this world at the age of 91. It seems that he took a fall and broke his hip at his home and was taken via ambulance to the hospital, but then suddenly, he passed on. I grew up next to the Olson family on North Welcome Slough, and I've known them my whole life. Vern had remained single but leaves behind a sister, Jean (Ron) Horman and her family members. Our deepest sympathies go out to all of them. A service is being planned for sometime in March.
MORE SAD NEWS--It's not often that we can call a person a good friend when in fact, we've never met, but that's what I had, and lost just recently. Over a dozen years ago, I got a letter from a gal who had ties to Cathlamet and who got The Eagle and wanted to thank me for my ramblings in the paper, so Rick put her in touch with me and things took off from there. Over the years, I got donations for various things that I was involved in, like the Grange or fair, along with words of encouragement and great ideas of how to move forward with some other projects or ambitions. Our chats on the telephone could last "forever" and our cards and letters that were exchanged were full of fun quips, anedotes, comparisons and observations in a wide array of subjects. She was a lover of mail, and I made sure that what I sent to her on special occasions was truly special, as I knew she would be one to really appreciate the effort that went into them. I have to admit, I was a little surprised that she wanted to make a complete showcase of them however, but I was certainly humbled by the thought and pleased that they were so well received. She was even generous in her gifts to me, and as a postal mail supporter, she would often send me books of stamps, which I really and truly appreciated. She even helped support our local restaurant, the "Duck Inn" as she contacted owner, Logan Britt and made sure I had a nice birthday/anniversary dinner every year. Now, how great was that?! Unfortunately, the distance between us and busy schedules kept us from ever truly meeting, so I wound up having a "friend I never met," and her name was Vail St. Vrain. Sadly, Vail was laid to rest this past Thursday morning at Greenwood Cemetery where I met with her brothers, Pat and Bob and nephew Matt. It was good to finally meet some of the people I'd heard about over the years, but I certainly wish it had been under different circumstances. Here's to more people being like Vail; kind and generous without expecting anything in return. RIP Vail.
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