Wahkiakum County commissioners sailed through a light agenda Tuesday, taking action on some items of business and planning action for future meetings.
Commissioners approved a three-year renewal of a contract for computer network maintenance with More Power Technology Group. Commissioners have held off on the renewal for several weeks and held two workshops with More Power principals to evaluate services and alternatives.
"I think it was a productive meeting last week," said Commissioner Gene Strong. Commissioner Mike Backman seconded Strong's motion to accept the contract, and Strong, Backman and Chair Dan Cothren voted in favor.
The cost of the contract will be $426,096 over three years.
Commissioners also voted to approve three requests from the county Department of Health and Human Services.
One motion authorized creation of an entry level therapist position; the second approved hiring of a therapist, and the third approved a contract with Cascade Mental Health for psychiatric services.
County mental health services coordinator Tristan Wozniak said the service targets youth, and that at any given time, there will be approximately 60 youth receiving service in the mental health program.
Even if the psychiatrist isn't prescribing medications, he will be used for consultation including on the value of medications, she said.
Chris Bischoff, H&HS director, said the local schools superintendent and principal have stated they could use another half- to full-time therapist in the schools in addition to the therapist already assigned to schools.
Commissioners have no meeting next Tuesday, which will be the fifth Tuesday in January.
At their next meeting on Feb. 5, they'll hold a workshop on issues related to the county ferry service, including scheduling outages for equipment replacement and possible changes to rates, especially for small and medium size trailers.
Commissioners also said they need to prepare the updated shoreline master plan for public presentation and comment.
After a multiple year effort, the county Planning Commission finished a draft of the updated plan in 2017, but commissioners referred it to the County Real Property Rights Advisory Board for editing. That board returned a draft last fall which the county commission is proposing as the updated plan.
The draft may be found online at https://www.co.wahkiakum.wa.us/DocumentCenter/View/1086/SMP---Property-RightsDRAFT-Plan-Sept-2018?bidId=, and a document explaining the difference between the first and second drafts may be found online at https://www.co.wahkiakum.wa.us/DocumentCenter/View/1087/Differences-Between-The-CREST-and-Property-Board-SMP-09272018?bidId=.
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