Skamokawa News
EVERYTHING--Now that we are at mid-month, we have been having a bit of this and that, like some hail, some slick icy conditions, some wet and windy conditions and even some sunshine with moderate temperatures during the daylight hours so that's not too bad for this time of year. I could do without the 20 something degree temperatures at night but it beats the massive cold and snow front that has hit our relatives back east, so I won't complain much. According to my classmate, Sharon Stout Servis, it was only seven degrees at her house in Indiana so I should not be complaining at all!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Jan. 17-23 are Theresa Kuljis, Bruce McClain, Trystan Mendez, Ashley Turner, Shanna Havens, Tim Hanigan, Bailey Danker, Brandon Burdick, Kasey Tomlinson, Christopher Danker, Linda Seaberg, Bill Olsen, Baylee Olsen, Jessie Fritze Collins, Wayne Cochran, Kyli Prestegard, Brittney Haddix, Veronica Wallin, Randy Rodahl, Jolene Wright, Shane Pedersen and 67'er Don Marsyla. Belated birthday wishes to Tom Irving who turned 96 last week and is still going strong; way to go Tom!
Happy Anniversary wishes this week go to Bob and Patty Ohrberg, Michael and Nikki Danker and Holly (Pedersen) and Chris Norton. Enjoy your special days everybody. Belated anniversary wishes to Krista Blix McGuire and her hubby, Bill; hope it was great!
SAD TIMES--It was with a heavy heart that we learned of the passing of one of our local icons, as our beloved Betty Koziel passed away this last weekend. Many of us knew Betty for being the number one owner, bartender at The Oasis Tavern for many, many years. Some knew her for her beautiful flowers, especially begonias, and awesome flower garden and many knew her as both, as well as a wonderful, loving person, who was adored by her family and friends and will be missed by all who knew her. It was just not that long ago, that Betty lost the love of her life, Jim and our only consolation at this sad time is that they are now together again. According to her daughter, Brenda, Betty's service will be held this Saturday, Jan. 19, at the United Methodist Church here in Skamokawa at 1 p.m. Our deepest sympathies to all of Betty's family and those that were closest to her.
MORE LOSSES--We want to send our condolences to Ed Houston once again, as his family has suffered another loss. Just recently he learned that Vickie Houston, wife of his brother John, had passed away so our sympathies go out to their entire family.
Like Ed, John and Mary Gustafson lost an in-law this past weekend and so we wanted to send our condolences to them and their family members too.
Also, our sympathies are being sent to Cindy Lloyd, who lost her Mother, Peggy, to cancer this past weekend. Cindy is the wife of my fellow Puget Islander and classmate, Greg Lloyd. Cindy had just celebrated her birthday one day and then learned her Mother has passed away the next, so it's been a roller coaster of emotions for her lately and we certainly feel for her. Actually, it's been a rough time for a lot of folks lately, so condolences to everyone dealing with the passing of a loved one.
FUND RAISER THIS SUNDAY--The Wahkiakum Fair Foundation is holding a lasagna dinner fund raiser this Sunday, Jan. 20, at the Rosburg Hall from 1 to 6 p.m., so they hope you can come down and enjoy the Italian dinner and fixings, and the cost of this dinner is by donation. Just to let you know, this event will also include a bake sale and silent auction so we hope you'll donate and bid generously! This is going to be one of many upcoming fund raisers so that they can raise money toward another "Challenge of Champions Pro Riding" event, like they had last year with the big bulls at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds. This year, they will be back on July 19, so mark that down on your calendars now.
READY TO GET CRABBY?--It's almost time to head to Rosburg and take part in the American Legion's (Deep River Post #111) annual crab and oyster feed, with all the trimmings, at the Rosburg Hall aka Community Center on Jan. 26. Doors open at six and as always, bring all your own crab cracking tools and oyster shuckers. Lots of folks bring "pre-treats" such as chips and dips and cheese and crackers, which is fine, but sorry, you are not allowed to bring any alcoholic beverages in with you! Beverages for those over 21 are available for purchase. There will be tickets to purchase for their many raffle items, which go to help support the group and you could also win a nice prize. To top off the evening, and for your dancing pleasure, there will be live music as well. It's always a fun time for the whole family! I hope you have your tickets already as this is usually a pretty busy event. Don't take any chances if you want to insure a place at a table and contact Ken Elliott right away at 360-465-2274.
GIANTS PLAY--Our very own local home-grown band, "Giants in the Trees" will perform in Longview this weekend, so check out their website for all the details. The SquatchFest is a big deal up there and if you don't have any other plans and want to hear that group, now would be the time to go and see them. Just in case you've been living under a rock, the band members live in our county, and met at a jam session at the Skamokawa Grange and formed a band which now consists of Krist Novoselic, Ray Prestegard, Erik Friend and Jillian Raye. They are just a huge hit with a big following and a full schedule it seems. Congrats to them!
BIG CELESTIAL EVENT--Coming right up for your viewing pleasure, a "Super Wolf Blood Moon" will make its appearance on Sunday evening, Jan. 20. In case you didn't know, the first full moon of the year is known as the "Wolf Moon," and the "supermoon" part comes from a full moon occurring at "perigee," which is the moon's closest point to Earth in its orbit. It can appear seven percent bigger than an average full moon and 14 percent bigger and thirty percent brighter than a micromoon. The "blood moon" part comes because this particular full moon will also experience a lunar eclipse, which means it takes on this reddish/orange color. Now we can only hope the weather co-operates and we get to see this wonder in the sky!
UPCOMING--Next month is usually the Valentine Diamond Dinner put on by the Fair Foundation, but I'm told that at this time, a confirmed date has not been set, but if it's going to take place, I'll hopefully hear about that by next week's column.
Also, there will be the Wah. Co. Chamber of Commerce Crab Feed at the Norse Hall on Feb. 16, which has three different seatings so one of them is bound to fit into your schedule. If you like crab and oysters, there's another chance this next month to enjoy some! Tickets are $35 each and can be picked up at the Bank of the Pacific in Cathlamet.
INTERNET WOES--It seems whenever we really need our internet to be up and running, there appears to be a glitch, and we are left high and dry with no communications that we just can't seem to live without these days. While some of it is optional, a lot of folks have opted to go paperless and do everything online, from banking to ordering groceries or paying bills and when the internet is not working, that makes things just a bit difficult. I would certainly not enjoy having to write out my column in long-hand and take it into town, I know that! At any rate, complaints are rampant and we can only hope our local CL provider can get some things sorted out, so we can stop having so many problems. Maybe they could start by taking down/cutting all the trees that are hanging on their lines for a starter!
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