To The Eagle:
As librarian I must regretfully announce that it has become necessary to increase fees for out-of-town library cards at Cathlamet Public Library. Half of our patrons live outside the town limits, but the county has declined to add support for the library to their budget for 2018 or 2019. The Library Board of Trustees voted at their January 3rd meeting to raise the cost of an out-of-town children's card to $6, an adult card to $15, and a family card to $23. These fees are still below what other libraries of similar size but with longer hours charge.
Donations are being solicited from anyone who would like to contribute to a fund to help purchase library cards for low income families and individuals. An anonymous donor will match contributions for the fund up to a total of $100.
Carol Blix, Librarian
Cathlamet Public Library
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