Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Last Flea Market of year to be held this Saturday

Skamokawa News

NIPPY BEGINNING--We went from the 40s and 50s right down into the nippy upper 20s at the beginning of this week in West Valley, with the likelihood of it dropping down into the lower 20s by the time you read this, so I do hope you had those pipes wrapped and were ready for those bone-chilling temperatures! I know it's December, but beings I really hate being that cold and dealing with "my water might freeze up" issues, I can only hope this cold spell doesn't last too long. Besides, the holidays are just around the corner and I'd like to be able to be out and about without the fear of sliding off the road due to patches of black ice! As always, slow down and take extra care when road conditions start to deteriorate.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Dec. 6-12 are Skamokawa Rick, Dennis Reid, Carol McClain, Jai Snow, Kitty Speranza, Collin Parker, Gary Bergseng, Diane Frank, Meg Wright, Ron Hendrickson, Justin Watkins, Amy Prestegard, Julie Doumit, James Robinson, Kathy Hanigan, Julie Burdick, Christina Luthi, Tyler Johnson, Chris Barnes, Alexandra Wright, Gabriel Pedersen and Patrice Everest Holtz.

Those celebrating anniversaries are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vik and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Backman. Hope all of you that are enjoying birthdays and anniversaries this week, are having a fabulous time as you celebrate your special days!

FREE MOVIE--It's time for another free movie this Friday night at the Community Center in Cathlamet. All shows begin at 7 p.m., and come with free popcorn besides free admission and you're free to bring in your own snacks as well. This show is rated PG-13 but says it's audience includes everyone and is an animated drama. Remember, no children under 12 are allowed at these showings without their parents being present.

THIS SATURDAY--It's time for that one last Flea Market of the year, at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds in the Youth Building, so all those that are setting up tables with their new and used items, are hoping you'll come down and check them out Dec. 8, Saturday, from 9 a.m., to 3 p.m. The Fair Foundation will still be selling their greenery, so if you haven't gotten a wreath or swag, now's your chance! They will also be having a bake sale besides their Christmas Tree auction, so come on down and check all of those things out, as there's bound to be something you like!

WEST END--I'd like to say "Welcome" to our new writer for the "Downriver Dispatches," Darrell Alexander, who will now be giving you all the scoop about the westend activities, so if you have something to share, be sure to get ahold of him so he can spread the news! I'd like to briefly mention that there are three activities happening on that side of KM Mountain this weekend, with one of them being the Christmas Decorating Crafts for Kids event that will take place from 1 to 3 at the Grays River Valley Center (Johnson Park/old Rosburg school). Then there will be the Santa Lucia Celebration and Pictures with Santa event at the Appello Archive Center, and you can call Falon Hoven at 360-484-7103 for more info on that. The following day, Sunday Dec. 9, you might just want to take in the FAFF Christmas Concert at the Deep River Lutheran Church. The time had yet to be confirmed but contact Mike Swanson at 360-484-3602 if you don't see an ad anywhere in this week's paper.

NO TREE YET?--If you haven't gotten your Christmas tree just yet and you want a real nice, fresh tree that is right close by here in Skamokawa, just head out to Stornetta's 7 Spring Ranch, U-Cut Tree Farm, which is in the 800 block of East Valley. There's a sign at the bottom of the entry road on the left hand side of East Valley. You can even call them at 360-795-3809 prior to you going out there so that they could meet you.

ERNIE MCKIE FANS WANTED!--All of us who grew up around here in the early 60s remember Ernie McKie. He was the coach who took our basketball team to State and brought home first place; a really big deal back then for our little school! Of course, he was more than just a coach, as he was a great teacher, a wonderful husband and father and just an all around nice guy, who just happened to have had a daughter, named Sharon, in my class. We were all pretty sad when they moved away from here. At any rate, I just heard from Sharon and it seems that author, Jonathan Catherman, is writing a book about the "Stewardship of Relationships" and how great mentors have such an impact on others. This is where Ernie comes in, as it seems Mr. Catherman wants to highlight Sharon's Dad, as the "Coach, Teacher and Athletics' Focus" in this latest book. I think that's awesome! Now, here comes the part where you are needed, as this author would love to hear from anyone who knew Mr. McKie, as either a coach or teacher or friend, and just how he may have impacted your life in some way. Do you have a funny story to tell, or maybe how he helped you through some adverse situation, or encouraged you in some way while he coached you? If you have any kind of testamonial or story to tell, please contact Mr. Catherman at: If you'd like to remain anonymous, you can arrange that as well, but I do hope that those who have some fond memories of Mr. McKie will share them and we'll all be looking forward to reading his book to see what he has to say about one of our favorite guys!

SAD TIMES--It seems we continue to hear about the losses of people we grew up with or had graduated from Wahkiakum High School, or a spouse of someone that did, and sadly, that was the case this week, when Gaylene Johnson called to tell me that Wayne Gross lost his wife, Sharon this past week. We are certainly sorry for Wayne's loss as well as their entire family.

We also send our sincere condolences to the family of Coral Linquist who wasn't quite 98 when she passed away, and whose services were held this past Sunday afternoon. Most of us remember hearing about the start of our school mascot and it was her husband, Jack, who came up with the idea of having a Mule. If you've ever seen the horseshoe with the kicking mule in it, you might be interested to know it was a niece of their's, Pam Below Lazor, who had a hand in that design.

Richard (Dick) Backman was laid to rest last month at the age of 82 and we were saddened to learn of his passing. He was the son of George and Geneva Backman, and as Islanders, we all knew them and their kids. Our condolences to his wife and kids as well as to all of his large extended family.

Also, our sincere sympathies go out to Shirley May Toney, as she recently lost her youngest son, Kerry Grohs to cancer at the age of just 56. Our condolences to the rest of Kerry's family as well. A service was already held for him last Friday.

NEVER TOO EARLY--Please remember that when you are going to hold events that need to draw a lot of people, you need months of promotion for it in order for you to reach your goal. People are busy, and there are many things going on, so with so many choices and plans to make, it only makes sense to have your fund raiser, or other events, put out there to the masses well in advance of the big day. Please be sure to use The Eagle as a way to spread the word, from a small ad, to a bigger one and let your local columnist know about it too. Hopefully you've planned it far ahead enough so that you can get it on the Wah. Co. Community Calendar as well. If not, you really need to do some work, as just putting a notice on Facebook the week before an event, will not likely get you the results you desire. Don't forget to contact neighboring papers and radio stations as well, as they are really good about helping non-profits/charities raise awareness of an upcoming event. Remember, there is no such thing as "too much promo," so if you need volunteers, need donations, need backers and need people there, then be sure and spread the news, "loud and proud and often!"


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