Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Grays River Valley Center news

Always great things happening at Grays River Valley Community Center.

Events to mark your calendar coming up:

December 8th Craft day for the children 1:00 - 3:00 PM, come and join the fun.

We have a snowman donated by Becky Erickson, that needs to keep warm through this winter season. We are having a Glove, Scarves, Hats, and mitten drive, donate any of these items to the Grays River Valley Library by December 20th. All will be donated to the West End Food Bank for their Christmas baskets.

New Years Eve we will be welcoming in the new year, this will be a potluck, there will be karaoke and games, fun for all ages. 9:00 - 12:15 am

Also the library has winter hours, and will be open Thursday through Saturday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Anyone needing to use the Library during any other time, we will gladly open it by appointment, just call a board member.

The names and numbers are posted on the door. Thank you so much.

Other events coming up are the Three C's in January, and the Super Sale in March, more information to come later.

Our board meetings have changed to mornings again. The first Wednesday of the month at 11:00 am. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Thank you for your support of the center, and we are glad to see so many making use of the facility.


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