Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Initiative 1639 violates constitution

To The Eagle:

Initiative measure 1639, authored by the Attorney General of Washington and apparently approved by the voters, violates the United States Constitution in that it discriminates against a class of voters (18 but under 21 years of age) by denying them equal protection and due process of law.

An attempt is made to mitigate this by permitting ownership of so-called “semi-automatic assault rifles” to those within the class who already own them, provided they keep them locked up at home and do not use them except in “training sessions” for which the state makes no provision.

It will be recalled that these same 18-year olds are required by federal statute to register for the draft and potentially place themselves in harm’s way.

It is amusing to realize that an illegal alien freely and deliberately licensed to operate a motor vehicle in this state (which again fails to provide training through its educational system) has a better chance to obtain a firearm than a qualified citizen voter of tender age.

Citizens of this state aware of its growing dysfunctional government will do well to consult their own safety and make themselves knowledgeable of their civil rights.

Jim Culbertson



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