Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

I love our new store; holiday bazaar Saturday

Down River Dispatches

Once again, it is so good to be home. Though it was not exactly a pleasure trip, I was able to spend some quality time with my kids and grand kids.

News from Naselle:

Sports schedule this coming week for the Naselle Comet teams: Today (Thursday), District IV 1B Finals at Tumwater at 7:30 p.m .; Tuesday, middle school girls basketball in Naselle with Raymond at 5:45 p.m. Go Comets!

Students will have an early release day on Wednesday, the 7th for staff inservice.

Another coming blood drive at Valley Bible Church, and your chance to give a lifesaving donation to someone who might benefit by your generosity. You never know when you or someone you are close to might need that same gift of life. The blood drive will be held on November 8 from 12 noon to 6 p.m. at the Valley Bible Church located at 4723 SR 4 West.

Make your appointment online at: and enter valleybiblechurch or call Susan Burkhalter at 465-2264.

Westend news:

Okay, I missed out on the Grand Opening of our much anticipated Rosburg Store as I was in California. But, Wow, is all I can say to all the work that was done by the new owners prior to the reopening. I stopped in and since my brother loves biscuits and gravy, decided to give them a try. Amazing and delicious! Had the pleasure of meeting Roni at the counter, and Landon in the kitchen. I have to say, they are awesome, friendly folks and I for one will be shopping/eating there frequently. Roni said they will probably have propane available in the next couple of weeks and gas within a couple of months. Our little community needed this addition, so let’s all welcome them and support them. Shop local. Welcome to the community!

As a side note: Mike Swanson posted a picture of his cut in half “Rosburger” on FaceBook, and they pretty much sold out of them. Other folks have tried some of the other menu items and are raving about the deliciousness. Can’t wait to try some more of their offerings.

Get out your Christmas list and head on over to the Rosburg Hall for the Annual Holiday Bazaar, sponsored by the Rosburg Community Club, this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will be there selling their crafts and goodies, and the Rosburg Community Club will also be holding their bake sale.

Lunch will also be served, beginning at 11:30 a.m., and the menu will include baked chicken, hot rolls, salads, dessert, coffee and juice. Always a delicious meal.

This fundraiser is always a fun and delicious way to support this incredible group as they are responsible for maintaining their building, the Rosburg Cemetery, and scholarships for our local students. If you would like to be a part of this industrious group, please contact Barbara Rose at 465-2234 or Sonja Kruse at 465-2251.

Next weekend we will celebrate Veteran’s Day, and in keeping with that special day, the American Legion Deep River Post #111 will once again honor our veterans and all men and women in uniform with their annual Pancake Breakfast. This year the event will be held in the Rosburg Community Hall on November 10th from 8 to 11:30 a.m.

If you are looking for a delicious breakfast, at a fantastic price and to support a well deserved group, this is the event to come to. You will be served all you can eat pancakes, and sides of eggs (however you want them cooked), ham or sausage, coffee, milk or orange juice. All this for $6 for adults and teens and $4 for kids 3-12 years.

Proceeds from this event go to support local veterans, the community and youth groups.

The West End Food Pantry, located in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park, is sending out a plea for your help. With the holidays fast approaching, they are in dire need of volunteers to help out on Thursdays 1-5 p.m.

With roughly 50 families each month needing supplemental food, as well as holiday baskets needing to be filled, the pantry could use food and cash donations. Drop off your donation at the Pantry on Thursdays, or leave them with Lori at the Naselle Post Office at any time. Your tax deductible cash/check donations can be mailed to PO Box 55, Rosburg, WA 98643 and you will receive a receipt in the mail.

Happy Birthday to the following: Joel Forbes, Norm Penttila, Peyton Dalton, Joshua Holt, Roy Herrold, Linda Nelson, Jadyn Steenerson and Renee Hunsinger. Wishing each of you a perfect day.


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