Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Seafood smoking and processing classes come to Rosburg

This winter and spring, WSU Extension will bring food safety specialist Dr. Gleyn Bledsoe and his colleagues to the Southwest Washington coast to teach hands-on classes in food processing, including smoking, safe seafood processing and handling, and roe processing. Seafood direct marketing and vessel refrigeration classes will also be offered. Class participants may sign up for one or all classes, and registration is first come, first served. Classes are offered in partnership with the Wahkiakum County Marine Resources Committee and the Washington Coast Restoration and Resiliency Initiative. Classes will be at the Johnson Park Community Center in Rosburg.

Oct. 29-31 Food Handling/ Sanitation/Seafood HACCP/ PCQI, (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point, Processing Control Quality Individual)

Nov. 28-30 Sanitation & Seafood Self Marketing

12/15 Better Process Control School, Acidified Food.

Jan. 3 Refrigeration Introductions – Small Vessel Systems

Jan. 4-5 Small Vessel Refrigeration Operating & Maintenance

Apr. 1-4 Seafood Smoking

Apr. 5 Roe Processing.

Registration fees vary by class. For detailed class information and registration, visit WSU Wahkiakum County Extension’s website,, or call Carrie Backman, Extension faculty, 360-795-3278.


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