Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Response to Bill Coons letter

To The Eagle:

In answer to a previous letter from Mr. Coons, I never launched Brian McClain’s run for assessor. He did that all by himself. Please get the facts straight.

The first straw for me was that he inflated a property value to $165,000 when my business partner and I bought it for $120,000 even after we showed you the bill of sale. That property was on the market for over four years. We paid fair market value. The real frustration was when he turned me into the Washington Department of Revenue for personal property taxes on “Welcome Slough Boatworks” when he knew I just build boats for non-profit organizations at no financial benefit to me! Dave S. at the Olympia office cleared me of all your accusations.

As far as me knocking it off (whatever that’s suppose to mean) concerning him and his wife building the non-permitted house on N. Welcome Slough Rd. He and his wife built it on the property where they live not a 1/4 mile from my house. I drive by it daily. I thought he had lots of experience? If he had some integrity he’d let his wife know that one can’t build a house without permits rather letting his wife’s good name be besmirched. He threw her under the bus not us!

Michael Baccellieri

Puget Island


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