In response to questions and queries about the Puget Island bridge painting and re-decking project, Tamara Greenwell, WSDOT Southwest communications officer, has offered the following information.
"The project is scheduled for completion in late fall 2018. The work is weather dependent and could be rescheduled based on the weather forecast.
"We have an inspector who oversees construction, ensuring contractor crews are protecting the environment surrounding the bridge, including the river. Our inspectors also document the work, to make sure workmanship meets WSDOT standards. If it does not, we discuss these concerns with the contractor to have them addressed.
"Our prime contractor Royal Bridge Inc. has worked diligently with us to resolve concerns raised, but that often leads to delays in work being completed. It is a delicate balance. We understand the work delays can impact area residents and travelers. This project is estimated to cost more than $17 million, and we want to ensure we’re getting the best quality product for taxpayer dollars.
"We’re also hearing that there is some confusion about working days related to construction. The project is limited to 380 total working days and the bridge deck replacement work is permitted during 70 total bridge closures within the 380 total working days. It is important to note that those days are not consecutive or concurrent. The bridge deck replacement work is likely to continue into next year. The bridge painting work is scheduled to continue through Spring 2021. That said, we built financial incentives into the contract to entice the contractor to try and complete work early."
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