Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Covered Bridge dinner was a great success

Down River Dispatches

News from Naselle:

Sports calendar for this week: Today (Thursday), high school volleyball in Naselle with WSD at 6 p.m .; Friday, high school football at Darrington at 6 p.m .; Saturday, high school volleyball JV Tournament in Naselle at 8:30 a.m .; Tuesday, middle school football in Naselle with Knappa at 4 p.m., high school volleyball at CAA at 5:30 p.m .; Wednesday, middle school volleyball in Naselle with North Beach at 5:45 p.m. Go Comets!

The Naselle-Grays River Valley School Board will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. These meetings are open to the public.

This is your last chance to see the latest production by PAPA (Peninsula Association for Performing Arts), “Enchanted April” with their final performances this weekend October 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. and October 14 at 2 p.m. in the Columbia Theater in Chinook. Tickets can be purchased online at: or by calling 360 836-4448.

Westend news:

Once again, the WSU Extension office and Wahkiakum 4-H groups had an amazing turnout for the 11th annual Covered Bridge Dinner. It was a wonderful time with delicious food and great violin music, and an exciting bit of bidding on the auction items. I came home with one of Lois Burkhalter’s famous wild blackberry pies and didn’t even mind spending lots of money for it. Our 4-H programs here in Wahkiakum County are exceptional, and funding those programs is what this dinner is all about. The volunteers did a great job with set up, cooking and the young ladies who were serving beverages did a wonderful job as well.

If you missed out on getting tickets this year, I hope you get yours early next year. You won’t be sorry.

For several months now the folks in our little valley have been eagerly awaiting news of our very own Rosburg Store reopening. No more waiting! The new owners, Ed and Toni Miller and Ed’s brother Landen will hold their grand opening on October 19 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. They will be serving finger foods for everyone to enjoy.

As in the past, I hope all of the local residents will stop by, pick up a few things and let them know how much we appreciate them being here. Having a place nearby to pick up a few essential groceries or a quick bite to eat will be so nice. Welcome to our wonderful neighborhood, Ed, Toni and Landen.

Fall is here, and the leaves are turning, school is in and the nights are beginning to hold quite a chill. Soon the holidays will be upon us, so let’s get prepared.

Two important events coming up next month, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up. Every year the Rosburg Community Club puts together one of the best shopping opportunities of the year. Their annual holiday bazaar will be held on November 3 in the Rosburg Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

If you wish to purchase vendor table space at this event, please call Barbara Rose at 465-2234 for details. There are always hand made items by local folks that make great Christmas gifts, the Rosburg Community Club’s bake sale and delicious chicken lunch which will be served at 11:30 a.m. It is truly a unique experience.

The next weekend in November includes Veteran’s Day and in honor of our men and women in uniform the Deep River American Legion Post #111 will host their annual pancake breakfast. It will take place on November 10, 8-11:30 a.m., in the Rosburg Hall (new location).

You will be served all you can eat pancakes with sides of ham or sausage, eggs the way you like them and coffee, orange juice or milk. All this with a price of $6 for adults and teens and kids 3-12 just $4.

Proceeds from the breakfast will be used to support local veterans and community and youth groups.

Happy Birthday to Matthew Holt, Trina Scrabeck, Cliff Kilponen, Shawn Matthews, Mary Smith and Braiden Eugene Chandler. Wishing each of you a perfect day.

Happy Anniversary to Ron and Jennifer Salme. Here’s to many more celebrations.

I have just learned of the passing of Marie Fauver, a truly remarkable lady and a very dear neighbor of mine for many years. She was a delightful historian, kept impeccable records of our little area and was willing to share many stories with me about the farm I own and all the surrounding area. Marie will be sorely missed by her wonderful family and by many who knew her. My deepest simpathies to her family and friends. Rest in peace, dear lady.

My condolences as well to the family of Gloria Clark, who was also a Grays River neighbor.

I will not have a column next week as I have business to attend to in California and I will not have my computer with me.


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