To the Eagle:
By now, most of you are aware of the large, negative, political ad that was published in last weeks paper and paid for by Bill Coons, which featured my name and parts of a column that I wrote several years ago. You may also be aware of just how unhappy I am about it.
I had written quite a long letter in response, in total outrage about this but you know what? I'm pretty sure everyone has figured out by now that my words were taken out of context and spun to fit the negative agenda of the writer, so writing a long tirade about it wouldn't really solve much. I guess we can all continue to wonder why he'd drag me into this in the first place, but then again, maybe his actions speak louder than words.
While brevity isn't exactly one of my strong suits, I have to give it a shot. Simply put, I think there was absolutely no reason, what-so-ever, to involve me in this negative campaign ad! Have something to say? Use your own words! Period!
Kay L. Chamberlain
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