Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Endorsement for Howie

To The Eagle:

A few words spring to mind when I’m asked about Sheriff Mark Howie. Before we get into that, let me share with you how I came to my understanding of what is true leadership.

I was 25 when I joined the Army. Our country was at war. The frightening circumstances I found myself facing could only be overcome by one thing… leadership. I found myself under some of the most dedicated and experienced combat soldiers in the world. When facing death every day, you’ll find something, someone, anything, to follow. Ultimately though, we all end up following those who inspire us and lead by example.

There’s a lot more to being an effective leader, but the aforementioned is a good start. Due to the efficacy of my leaders, I am alive today giving testimony of a man I would gladly follow into combat. A man whose foundation is that which I envy. A man I proudly call brother (a monicker reserved for those with whom I’ve served). Sheriff Howie leads from the front, places the needs of others before his own, and he always shows poise under pressure.

Leadership is not to be taken lightly. Recognition of a community’s needs is imperative. And understanding those you’ve been tasked to protect is an art form in and of itself. Sheriff Howie has shown through leadership, honor, integrity, and personal courage, what it takes to lead this community. My understanding of his capabilities and unmatched love for his county is widely known, and rarely (if ever) challenged. There are many reasons that Sheriff Mark Howie has my vote to retain his seat, unfortunately I can only fit so many of them in this text.

I will close with this: Mark Howie is dedicated to the people he serves. He is focused, dutiful, and familiar with the needs of this community. With his local knowledge, and expertise in solving our unique issues, Mark Howie is once again our leader, our sheriff.

Cory Kelly



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