Skamokawa News
NIPPY--We started this work week with some low lying fog and the air temperature was in the 40s, so definitely on the cooler side. Once the fog lifted, it was a very nice, sunny begining to the week. Pleasant temperatures are supposed to be with us for a few days, like in the low 70s, so until the rain returns on Friday, we should have some nice days to enjoy. Now we can do all those things we forgot to do when it was dry, which we realized that needed to be done, once we went through those few days of rain. We had quite a bit of the wet stuff here, and just like that, my yard was green again!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those having birthdays from Sept. 20-26 are Tracy Carroll, Sam Longtain, Monte Longtain, Shonya Heywood, Bruce Holland, David Leo Vik, Bob Ohrberg, Theresa Jacobson, Ty Norris, Laura Norris, Michael Danker, Leah Clark, Brett Havens, Bobby Bergseng, Dan Turner, Linda Newton, Shannon Lewis, Rownen Vegvary, Ken Bunn, Edith Erickson, Barbara Shaver, Isabella Macchione, Larri Palmer, Lori Kyle and Karla Kyle. Belated birthday wishes to Marcia Snyder Brighton who celebrated her big day this past Monday.
Those celebrating anniversaries are Chuck and Sheran Parker, Philip and Ivy Lou Vik, Mr. and Mrs. John Burdick, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Grasseth and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Doumit. We hope all of your special celebrations are super happy and memorable for you this coming week.
FRIDAY MOVIE--For those non-football fans, the free movie at the Community Center in Cathlamet may be just the way for you to kill some time, meet new folks and have a very cheap "date night" as not only is the movie free of charge, but so is the popcorn! Feel free to bring in your own snacks as well. Keep in mind that this week's movie is an R rated, adult drama, so it's not one for the kiddos. All movies begin at 7 p.m.
MULES--The Mules football team will head to Napavine this Friday night, Sept. 21, so here's wishing them a successful and safe night. The Lady Mules are away for their next three matches, starting with Onalaska today (Thursday - 20th), then Mark Morris on Saturday - 22nd, with the varsity team only and then on Sept. 25, which is next Tuesday, they will travel to play the Morton/White Pass team. The Mule Cross Country team will be in Toledo Sept. 25 at 3:45. So, we wish all of these players a safe trip to and from these games and we hope they are victorious as well!
THINKING OF THEM--We heard that a few people have been experiencing less than perfect health issues lately, so we want to give some "get well, take care" wishes to Phil Vik, Gwen Good Ronninghaug, Pam Elliott as well as Beau Carlson and John Peterson (Sk. Pete's son), who are both still hospitalized. Many good thoughts and positivity are being directed their way.
SYMPATHIES--Word has just been received that Nancy Mooers Holman, sister of Maurice (Maury) Mooers, has passed away. Nancy grew up here in Skamokawa but had most recently lived in Vancouver. After a valiant effort, she finally lost her battle with leukemia just prior to her 82nd birthday. She leaves behind two sons, Bill and John and they have said that there will be no services. We certainly send our deepest sympathies to Maury and all the rest of Nancy's family and friends.
GETTING TOGETHER?--One of the members of the WHS Class of 1969, Linda Boldt Larsen, is asking if there's going to be a 50th Class Reunion next year. Does anybody know? If so, please contact of Linda, as she'd love to help in the planning of this whole thing with you. So far, she hasn't had any word of one being planned, but now's the time to get it all in motion, so here's to all of you 1969 alumni coming together this coming year and having a nice get together! Facebook is also a place to spread the word about these things, and Susan McClain Kuhn has set up sites for you to do just that, or even posted on her own page, so if you're on FB, there's another way to keep in touch or keep folks in the loop. Check out "WHS Mules Activites, Events and Sports Page" as well.
TRAVELING ALUMNI--Speaking of WA-KI-HI alumni, I saw where a couple of them traveled to Hawaii recently. My nephew, Tim Pedersen and wife, Margie, made it over to Kauai and enjoyed exploring the far corners of the island down bumpy roads, as well as enjoyed the sandy beaches. It seems they had some feline friends there, as well as some chickens, and if you've ever been to Hawaii, those two things seem to be a staple no matter where you stay!
Marcia (Snyder) Brighton and her hubby, John, were also in Hawaii but they were on the Island of Oahu, in Honolulu, so they, too seemed to be enjoying the sandy beaches and sunny weather, while celebrating Marcia's birthday. They also got to go to the Hawaii 5-0 premier doings down at Waikiki, so that looked like a lot of fun! Seeings how some parts of Hawaii just came through some pretty stormy weather with downgraded Hurricane Lane soaking parts of the chain, I'd say they timed their visits perfectly.
FALL ARRIVING--It's hard to believe, but Autumn officially starts this weekend, Sunday, Sept. 23, so for all of you who are anxious to put on the flannel sheets and start a fire in the fireplace, I'm guessing you'll be able to do that pretty doggone quick! Of course, with the arrival of this season comes many special events, so now's the time to jot those down on your calendar so you don't miss them.
SONS OF NORWAY/LEFSE--On the first Wednesday of the month, the Sons of Norway lodge members meet at the Norse Hall on Puget Island at 7 p.m. This coming month, they will meet on Oct. 3 and you are welcome to join them.
If you're wanting to learn how to make lefse, keep the first three days of November open and head to the Norse Hall, and you can find out how Hardanger lefse is made. It starts with the dough making, then onto the rolling, then it's time for it to hit the griddle, and then to stacking, and only after you've soaked in wet towels and added the butter, sugar and cinnamon to it, does it really become "lefse" to people like me. At any rate, there will be lefse to sell after some gets made, along with other Norwegian goodies, so they hope to see you there!
COMING RIGHT UP--The first Saturday of October, which is approaching quickly, will once again be the time to head to the historic Grays River Covered Bridge for their annual dinner. This is always a delightful event and it's a time to enjoy a nice dinner, some good music, some auction items and one another's company, and it's all for a good cause, as this supports the WSU Wahkiakum County Extension and 4-H programs. Tickets are $35, but if you're a Veteran or a Senior over 72, the tickets are $25. You can reach the extension office for more info about tickets at 360-795-3278 and they hope to see you Oct. 6 at 4:30 p.m.
THE FOLLOWING WEEKEND--On October 13, there are a couple of things going on, and one of those is the Flea Market at the Wahkiakum Fairgrounds. You can rent a table for $10 and sell some things of your own, or you can come and shop and see what treasures you can find from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Also that same day, but during the evening hours, you can head to the Grays River Valley Center and check out their Winterfest Prime Rib Dinner that will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. In order to be sure to get a seat and a meal, call 360-465-2310.
OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1943, the week began nice, got hot and then ended on a stormy note. Grandma Elsie Everest started her vacation that week and was busy getting things in order around the house before heading to Seattle to stay with her sister, Jean Shane for a bit. Prior to her leaving, daughter Carol Pedersen came by with the newest member of the family, as number three son, David, was born on Aug. 29 at Mrs. Maughan's Hillside Maternity Home in Cathlamet and everyone wanted a peek at the little guy. Once in Seattle, Grandma Elsie visited with her nieces, Pat and Susan, and went to a Rainbow girls big affair, which was very nice and visited with the Zimmermans as well. Even while on vacation, Grandma was busy helping out her sister as they canned a bunch of tomatoes, but took a nice break when they went to Ida Maine's for tea.
This week back in 1948, the week began with some bad news for "Johnny's Canteen" (also known as the Dock Tavern or River Rat Tap later on) as they got robbed! Not only did the thief get away with $80 in cash and a $14 Parker pen, but he also got a 32 Colt automatic. A paper boy who actually spotted the action, was so wound up about it all that he didn't recall the make or model of the vehicle, so the robber got away. The Pocahontas members, Wallula Council No. 45, gathered that week and after the formalities of the meeting, they enjoyed a birthday party at the home of Minnie Tobin, celebrating two of their members: Odessa Osborne and Nevada Shamley. On Sept. 22, it was the last day of Summer but considering rain fell on 30 of those days and only 23 of those days were actually nice and clear, nobody thought too much of that summer. So, with three inches of snow already falling in the mountains, it looked like Summer was officially over! A terrible accident on KM mountain left Ray Hatton, the proprietor of the Hatton Funeral Home in Cathlamet and Long Beach, seriously injured after Sheriff Hayes arrived to find him pinned under his car that was upside down. Unfortunately, some people got him out from the car, but left him there and when they called it in, they said an ambulance was not needed. However, he had suffered a broken femur, had severe cuts and due to the weather and length of time outside, he suffered from exposure and wound up being sent to the Ballard hospital in Seattle. Sept. 24 was a big night for Wahkiakum High School, as an athletic scoreboard was dedicated. It could function for football and baseball and it was said to be one of two of its kind in all of Washington; the other was in Walla Walla. This board was presented by Mrs. Mary Ann Risk, in memory of her son, George Risk. He and eight others of the Spokane Indians baseball league, lost their lives when their bus went off Snoqualmie Pass on June 24, 1946. On Sept. 25, Miss Emma Kehrli wed Boyd Gregory in the First Lutheran Church on Puget Island. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Kehrli Sr. of Puget Island. All this according to my Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.
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