Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Candidate offers further explanation

To The Eagle:

While my opponent is not confused by party endorsements he is certainly confused by the meaning of the words “Attention To Detail.” Partially reading a regulation and then cherry picking only those parts that support your view is not what I consider due diligence when researching a topic. If my opponent had thoroughly read the RCWs and WACs he referenced before jumping to conclusions he would have found the following paragraphs :

WAC 458-10-030

(4) Waiver of examination requirement. The department shall waive the accreditation examination requirement for those persons who provide adequate evidence of any one of the following: (a) The person has either attended a presentation of IAAO Course 1, or its equivalent, and successfully passed the course examination or successfully passed the course examination without having attended the presentation of the course;

RCW 36.21.015

Qualifications for persons assessing real property:

(4) To the extent practical, the department of revenue shall coordinate accreditation requirements under this section with the requirements for certified real estate appraisers under chapter 18.140 RCW.

RCW 18.140.020

(5) This section does not preclude a staff employee of a governmental entity from performing an appraisal or an appraisal assignment within the scope of his or her employment insofar as the performance of official duties for the governmental entity are concerned. Such an activity for the benefit of the governmental entity is exempt from the requirements of this chapter.

RCW 18.140.290

An applicant with military training or experience satisfies the training or experience requirements of this chapter unless the director determines that the military training or experience is not substantially equivalent to the standards of this state.

I encourage anyone interested to review the RCWs and WACs involved and make their own judgement. Our county and its citizens deserve more than half read regulations and flippant responses to their questions. If a citizen has taken the time to contact my office with a question, the very least I can do is ensure they get a thoroughly researched clear, concise and courteous answer.

As our current assessor has stated “the voters have to make a hiring decision” having some knowledge about appraisals and assessments is only part of the skill set required to perform this job competently. Being able to interact with the public as well as other county employees without being combative or having the situation result in a physical confrontation is also a requirement for this job.

I can assure the citizens of this county that upon completion of the 30 day DOR training course and by working with our local real estate agents I will have the entire skill set needed to perform the job of county assessor properly.

Brian McClain



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