Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Many activities ahead in the Naselle schools

Down River Dispatches

News from Naselle:

School is in, and volleyball and football games are being played. Welcome to the new school year 2018-2019. Sports calendar for this week includes: today (Thursday), high school volleyball in Naselle with South Bend at 5:45 p.m .; Friday, high school football in Naselle with Rainier Christian at 7 p.m .; Monday, middle school volleyball in Naselle with Raymond at 5:45 p.m .; Tuesday, high school volleyball CVL Jamboree at 5 p.m .; Wednesday, the 12th-middle school volleyball at Pe Ell at 5:45 p.m. Go Comets!

An upcoming fun event is for all Naselle-Grays River Valley School District students, as well as their siblings and parents, who are invited to the Naselle Title 1 Family Night on September 12, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the Commons. The evening will include free haircuts for students by licensed hairdressers, family math games, and learning about online math resources used in the classroom. Please join in this fun event and bring a family math game if you like. Looks like a fun night of math games and stylish haircuts.

The Wahkiakum Lions Club is selling frozen berries again this year. They have strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, marionberries and blackberries. Sounds like a great deal for those who don’t have access to these particular berries and most of the work is already done for you. There are order forms at Okies Market, The Library, Johnson's One Stop, Hunters Inn and Naselle Hardware. The last day to order is September 10. You can also call 360-849-4003 for more info or to place an order.

Westend news:

The Grays River Grange #124 hosts a farmers market on Tuesdays, 2-6 p.m., and you can purchase delicious home grown fruits and vegetables as well as baked goods for very reasonable prices. Get there early for best selections.

Mark your calendar for the 11th Annual Covered Bridge Dinner which will take place on Saturday, October 6 at 4:30 p.m. inside the Grays River Covered Bridge. You will be treated to a harvest festival meal celebrating the land and the people of Wahkiakum County along the Columbia River.

This unique setting will include violin music played by Jeffrey Reynolds, also poetry reading and an auction of handcrafted items being sold to benefit Wahkiakum 4-H.

Regular admission tickets are on sale now for $35 and Grand American (all veterans and seniors 72 and older) tickets are $25. A limited number of tickets will be sold and are available at the Bank of the Pacific in Cathlamet and Naselle or at the WSU Extension Office on River Street in Cathlamet.

For more information, please call 360 795-3278 or check the website:

I have had a query from a couple of readers and hope someone can help me out. Will there be a candidates forum here on the westend prior to the general election? If anyone has the answer, and more information, could you please get it to me so we can get the word out. Thank you in advance. (Editor's note: We are told the Grays River Grange will host a forum on October 9. Watch for details.)

Happy Birthday to Vince G. Fauver, Norilyn Pakenen, Abbie Smith, Emilia Boggs, Jeff Bjornsgard, Justin Finley, Jason Gardner, Paul Gardner, Darlene Ammer, Hollie Haataia and Cole Dorman. Wishing all of you a perfectly wonderful day.

Happy Anniversary to Joe and Anita Barnes, Steve and Roxy Forbes, Scott and Colleen Smith and Caleb and Kellyn Hazen. Here’s to many more anniversary celebrations together.

An extra special Happy Birthday to my friend and neighbor, Penny Gregory. Wishing you many years of happiness and love from your family and friends. I hope special wishes are granted to a deserving friend.

It looks like we may finally get some rain this coming weekend. We certainly need it. I know I will be hoping for more than a couple of hundredths.


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