Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Outed by anti-Trumpers

To The Eagle:

Having been so thoroughly outed by the valiant anti-Trumpers last week, I am now compelled to submit my mea culpa and confess to dwelling in a parallel universe. I had no notion that eight years of 1-2 percent growth and high unemployment was “handing over a good economy,” nor that the recent record-breaking highs in the stock market were “flatlining.” And it certainly was unsportsmanlike of our prez to complain about a two-year investigation based on a fabricated dossier used to dupe the FISA court into warranting campaign espionage by a political opponent who had just given away 20 percent of our uranium to Russia, betrayed our besieged embassy in Benghazi, and shared thousands of classified emails with Russia and China. And when the media was rude to his wife and used obscenities on his daughter, he should have turned the other cheek.

I’m also grateful that J.B.’s dysTrumpian jibes were aimed toward compatriot Mike Swift rather than me, because his astute analysis is far beyond my modest intellectual capabilities. I have no clue as to who is getting fleeced. Is it the vast numbers of previously unemployed (including minorities) who are now employed? The blue collar workers who are making more money? The countries that have agreed to better trade deals? Or the NATO countries that have agreed to pay their fair share? The Treasury Department that is receiving more revenue?

I have a better grasp of Poul’s observations like “Trump’s ship of state is listing seriously to starboard.” That’s right.

Howard Brawn

Puget Island


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