To The Eagle:
I got a great chuckle out of our ‘Wordy Islander’s’ letter. He submits more letters in than anyone else but feels his majority voters get less coverage. This time two side by side of the ‘majorities’ opinion. It is good to see he is so supportive of Trump, because Trump’s ship is seriously listing to starboard. I watch enough FOX ‘news’ to see he has all their ‘not fake news’ talking points.
I am grateful Trump has kept the economy on the steady climb it’s been on now for nine years, since the Obama years handed him a good economy. Hopefully his tariffs and breaking of trade agreements, won’t take us into stormy waters. Indicators make me a bit nervous, markets are almost flat lined since he started messing with the tariffs. His thinking is good, but not too sure of his shoot from the hip aiming.
His continual attacking the news, who don’t seem to kowtow to his whims, is getting really old, freedom of the press and letting us minorities have a voice, is key to keeping our freedoms, don’t forget, one may be in the minority some day. Mentioning Pravda, Russian ‘news’ is bizarre, as there is no press freedom in Russia, perhaps how Trump would like it. The Trump party may lose some of the Republican party, as his leadership is sullied terribly by his gross actions and speech. As a Christian and American I find him grossly unworthy of my vote, no matter what the economy is doing.
Many, or most Americans have difficulty looking at a world view of our country, thinking we don’t need the rest of the world. Having been to 17 different countries, spending 16 years and months, living and traveling in Europe and the East, I feel the rest of the world, even the ‘minority’ countries, are essential to world peace which we all strive to see. Right now most of the world is wondering how we could elect Trump, as they did with Berlusconi in Italy, Duerterte in the Philippines, Poland and other countries as well.
Perhaps, if we spent more time, as China, building and helping countries, instead of selling weapons and blowing them up, we would be appreciated. Don’t get riled up, I’m not saying they are doing it right, but they do a lot of investing in infrastructure. Also taking as they wish, like Russia.
Best wishes for the minority from Rosburg.
Poul Toftemark
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