Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Keep the letters about candidates civil

To The Eagle:

When I read the letters to the editor during this local election cycle I can not help but notice how personal some comments have become. If you read comments made about the Assessor Mr. Coons you might come away thinking the guy breaths fire and has horns on his head.

The comments made about the sheriff’s leadership of his department might lead one to think that he should never be left alone with an armed deputy.

The gentleman making the comments about Sheriff Howie claims to have had a 42 year career in law enforcement. That is a long time in a very stressful occupation and he may not realize it now but perhaps someday he may conclude the sheriff did that man’s mind and body a huge favor by letting him go in 2016.

This is my comment about Mr. Coons and Mr. McClain: I have had business with both that is why I voted for Mr. Coons.

In the sheriff race I voted for Sheriff Howie because I have known him since he became the sheriff and because all the deputies I have met seem professional and not unhappy performing their duties which I believe reflects on how the department is run.

The last point I would like to make is there are folks making negative comments about some candidates’ spouses and family on social media, for God’s sake show some class and leave the candidates’ families out of your opinions.

I look forward to reading peoples’ opinions on those candidates I don't personally know so that I can form a more informed decision, however when the comments become nasty it turns me away from those opinions, which defeats the writer’s intended purpose I would think.

Paul Schreiber



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