To The Eagle:
Please think about Washington State Primary Election is just weeks away, August 7. Know why you support someone on the ballot. Best to ignore party politics and focus on the person. Do you agree with the candidate on issues at least 80 percent of the time? Does their past performance reflect your views?
Also very important for state and national candidates is protecting your personal liberty and individual rights. In Washington State, all elected officials must protect individual rights. Washington constitution: “All political power is … established to protect and maintain individual rights.” Vote only for those who understand their duty and will take action to always support personal liberty.
Everyone elected to county, state or federal office, are bound by their oath. Our state constitution protects individual rights, not collective rights. That is an important concept. Every person has “unalienable rights” and our right to equal treatment and equal opportunity. Many elected politicians today forget to uphold these basic values.
I always ask candidates what have they done, or will do, to reduce the burden of government on society? Be wise and think before you support just any politician in the Washington primary. Vote for freedom first, last and always.
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