Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Maybe there are better answers

To The Eagle:

First off, to no surprise of anyone who has ever met me or read my letters to this paper, I am a progressive liberal. The reasons are numerous and include liking child labor laws, laws that help keep the earth safe for us and our future generations. My education in science and human biology allows me to know the difference between a fetus and a baby and to understand that about 10 percent of all people in all cultures are homosexual. Enough history to realize that if I like what is happening in our country today, I would absolutely have loved living in Germany in the 1930's. In my 75 years I've learned to respect women and homosexual people and their right to ‘tend to their own knitting,' which seems to have sailed over the head of a recent writer to this page. It's called metaphor.

What smells funny is the recent sale of a vacant lot which was bought by the city for twice what it was valued at, without discussion and hastily voted on when questioned as to the rationale. Be careful who you vote for was on point after reading the letter by Mr. Jungers. I know all of them and tip my hat when seen around town. I heard some of the back story but friendships, investment declines, etc., should not play an active role in business. Maybe there are better answers but when $1000 earnest money was given without notice a short time ago and further discussion was denied by a nebulous point of order, it does make one wonder.

If this is a liberal position, I'm guilty as charged.

James Roberts

Elochoman Valley.


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