To The Eagle:
George Wehrfritz advances an idea that “The Eagle” has been too free in giving space to “an internet-style troll “ who is attacking candidates running for office. He prescribes limiting the privilege of expressing one’s opinions in the newspaper to just one letter per person per campaign cycle. (He himself has written two so far.) He seems to be disturbed by the expression of points of view in conflict with his own. He lumps them all together as the work of one person he calls a troll. That may be his individual perception, and he is welcome to it, even if it is not entirely factual or fair. The truth is that many writers have offered their own accounts of the incumbent assessor’s procedures in carrying out his duties. I hope The Eagle will continue to provide the only public vehicle we citizens have to voice our opinions and experiences which might have relevance in the next election.
The property value appeals workshop that Mr. Coons, our incumbent assessor, had offered to conduct in response to citizens’ frustration with the status quo. (March 29, 2018 edition of The Eagle) has not been scheduled yet, to the best of my knowledge. It would be appropriate timing if both candidates for assessor would participate in such a meeting so citizens can surmise which one would serve them better.
Karen Cressa
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